• 16 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023

  • This comment was first downvoted, like, 10s after i posted it, thought it was by you so i mentioned it.
    This post&comment were downvoted because of Elon Musk, and i believe they/we are mistaken, if i don’t say it there’s not a lot of people here who would. Since i’ve already inquired about “your” arguments on E.Musk, i’m maintaining my accusation of a hivemind mentality until i’m standing corrected, any person who passionately hate him have very weak arguments in the end, but it’s not only the case about him, at least few people hate him because many lies were spread by our government, even if he received his share of lies(, e.g. the emerald mines and more).

    Your observation is weird because every datapoint on this graph is here to stay, it’s not a measurement, i don’t get it, you obviously don’t believe that the curb is gonna go up, and at most i could be accused of stating something that everyone knew for years, not something that people find hard to believe in.

  • Don’t know if it matters to point that out but, as stated here, the Starship has a capacity of 100-150 tons, for a gross mass of ~4600 tons(, 200-3400 tons for the booster depending on the fuel, and 120-1200 tons for the Starship itself depending on the fuel as well, at least if i understood correctly the wikipedia article, it doesn’t seem like the capacity is very high so it’s a bit weird, but it’s mostly confirmed elsewhere).
    They’ve demonstrated that it’s doable, succeeding 3 times and failing twice. Hence, they’ve demonstrated that they’re able to carry a payload into space, feel free to learn that you were wrong in your assessment(, like me/everyone on many topics,) and yet to downvote this comment as well 👍

  • On one side you have single-use rockets, and on the other side they’re reusable, it’s no wonder that the launch cost was reduced, don’t really look like a deception, but sure, since you instantly downvoted my answer you believe that this chart is still deceiving, ok
    And the estimate is confirmed all over the internet since (the first versions of )Starship have been built, and even launched multiple times.
    Not that i care anyway, just thought that it was a nice infographic(, especially since the y-axis is on a log scale), i’ll guess that it’s probably because of E.Musk that most of you are blindly displeased.
    Sure, a second downvote in a few minutes w/o arguments now, w/e…

    This third downvote for an absolutely factual answer on my part gives me the occasion to clarify something, since i’m convinced you only have a problem with E.Musk and not space exploration.
    So for those wondering, and eventually the mods wondering if they should censor this post for Musk apologia : i’m opposing E.Musk on his criticisms towards trans-rights and because he’s pro-capitalism(, like the majority of the world population, feel free to hate them as well).
    However, i’m supporting him because i’m an accelerationist and he’s n°1 in this regard, i’m also an ecologist, and i’m a libertarian and he saved 𝕏 from the same censorship fate that can be observed on Meta and Youtube(, and reddit for that matter). He’s also strangely opposed to neo-cons, e.g. by not being anti-China, even if i couldn’t have asked for that much.
    There are many people that i love/admire despite disagreeing with them on some/many topics, the same goes for you unless you’re hating everyone else(, or mistakenly&strangely believe that everyone agrees with you).
    And i’m opposing every single one of those here who are unable to disagree with the m.s.m. on a single issue, the same herd mentality that made me flee the reddit hivemind, it’s everywhere and you’re not different, isn’t it really weird how unanimous our medias are ? Yeah w/e, censor this post and/or ban me, or not i.d.c.

  • I’m trying to write something interesting, you’re not 👎
    It’s easy to write something that everyone will agree with, but it’s less useful/interesting i.m.h.o.
    Yeah, among the affirmations that i knew would displeased the crowd in my last comment, Elon Musk is freaking awesome, better than all of you combined. You’ll probably have difficulties to find where you disagree with the mainstream medias or the Lemmy users/mindhive(, try it, have you found at least one disagreement ?), and not even ask yourself why you don’t have real/solid reasons to hate better people than you, sick.
    Nobody will change their mind through insults or mod censorship, having the mass behind you doesn’t mean you’re right if you’re unable to argue(, which, as you’ll convince yourself, you could easily do but don’t want to, don’t feed the troll or w/e). Being a bunch of haters is one thing, but doing so without solid arguments is another, don’t be surprised that sheeple is a word, we’ve simply seen the level of your (non-)argumentation online(, often inexistent, or a 1000 times worse than in newspapers, even if, beyond being recruited/fired by their capitalists owners, journalists have to suck since they usually have to write multiples(!) articles/day, not one per week or even month, so it’s unavoidable).

  • It’s much more so the work you do that’s important, not the idea itself.

    Yes and no, i’m not talking about technicians(, even though in a team of technicians there’s still some persons better than the average), but about scientists emiting theories, there’s a reason why theorems or units of measures have the name of a person, and the book cited in the selftext is another justification : some scientists are known in their field for being important(, some are important/known mostly because of their positions, but others because of their groundbreaking ideas/discoveries).
    But sure, it’s a teamwork, especially when putting theory into practice.

    As for the other argument, i don’t want to have someone good at that kind of performance, i’m not talking about entertainment but about someone unknown and passionate about h.er.is field of study, who cares if s.he is in front of the camera for the first&last time of h.er.is life, it could eventually be prepared beforehand, but i’m not talking about the guests invited by Lex Friedman, such as Neil deGrasse Tyson or other popularizers/showmen, they may be scientists as well but i wasn’t talking about them(, some emissions search&invite such people but there’s only a few).

    As i said it’s natural that we’re choosing entertainment over, e.g., studying manuals after work, it’s not a real criticism but it’ll hopefully change one day(, retrieving the level of the aristocrats of the past, but for everyone this time), which shouldn’t be difficult since almost everyone wants to be better/more, just that life usually seems too ‘time-consuming’&short for that.

    (i’ve also realized today that my favorite people, mostly Raphaël Enthoven(, i’d never reach his level in a century, really glad that there’s at least one person like him,) and Étienne Chouard, but also Idriss Aberkane and kinda François Asselineau, and clearly Elon Musk as well, are all hated by the population(, or at least the french lemmy instance), of course we’ll ignore God, hate other countries, and belittle our superior ancestors(, the least writing of the past is still written in a better way than the best conversation on Lemmy), i’m feeling at odd, there’s either a problem with me or with society and it’s kinda annoying sometimes, and the so-called “reasons” are so absurd, similarly to how Lemmy will hate Trump on, e.g., him saying that some immigrants ate pets or any other argument really, for most people we’ve been told to hate even if we’ve never accomplished anything ourselves, we don’t even realize the problem with our absence of any real/solid argument, people in real life are way better than online, perhaps because we don’t really care about making efforts online since it’ll be forever lost to time, it’s not a reflection of society)

  • Oh, ok, thanks for the explanation, their software usually has an OCR feature since we can nowadays easily read much harder pictures than this one though, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to browse most social medias. Seems like this recommendation is 10 years too old if i’m not mistaken.
    Even better : since a description of the scenery would be more useful to them for some memes/pictures, but more difficult to do for the o.p., i don’t think it’ll be long until free softwares offer them a description of pictures in their favorite style of description(, since, after all, large language models like ChatGPT can already do this).

    It’d have been easy for me to copy-paste the text in the selftext, i’ll try to remember this if there’s a next time and thus interpret this rule as “no picture unless accompanied with a transcript”, unless i’m wrong in this interpretation.
    Thanks again for this information.

  • Still, some are closer to the source of these ideas than others, think about awards attributed to individuals for example. And if our “idols” are singers, actors, politicians, or youtubers, then we’ll produce singers, actors, politicians, or youtubers. Why don’t we have more emissions that will interview each week a researcher on h.er.is studies ? Just that we’ll have the population we deserve, that’s all.
    Also, they bring everything but the money goes to the investors(, not really what Ayn Rand claimed).
    And we’re using objects everyday without understanding how they work.
    For now, we’re working all day and spend our free time entertaining ourselves and spending time with our family, i’d certainly be wrong to judge, but if our time ever gets liberated(, e.g., with machines, longevity, …), then i just hope that our civilization will seek a higher purpose than entertainment 🤷.

  • woosh.
    C’est le même problème que d’avoir un s.m.i.c. 30 fois plus élevé en France qu’au Mali par exemple, ou au Bangladesh, etc. Peut-être que tu vois mieux l’aberration ainsi ?

    Quand à la Chine, ça n’enlèverait rien de nos propres fautes beaucoup plus anciennes/ancrées, et vu le nombre de mensonges ça vaudrait le coup de se demander si, comme toujours, on nous a encore menti, même si cela n’enlèverait pas la possibilité que des exploiteurs occidentaux soient remplacés par des exploiteurs chinois dans un avenir plus ou moins lointain, le fait que les communistes aient historiquement été anti-(néo-)coloniaux n’implique aucune certitude, il faut se méfier de tout le monde.
    Après, les occidentaux dépensent des trillions en guerre et les chinois.es dépensent des trillions dans les nouvelles routes de la soie. Je ne les crois pas altruistes au point de sacrifier leur croissance pour aider les autres, mais ils semblent croire aux situations “gagnants-gagnants”, et ont besoin d’allié.e.s., je serais surpris que ces “anciens pauvres” fassent pires que nous, il faudrait pour rassurer tout le monde que la croissance des uns ne menace personne, qu’il n’y ait plus de problème à voir des opinions différentes gagner en puissance, faudrait déjà s’apercevoir que ça a toujours été possible en fait.
    À ces pays de choisir les meilleures offres, sans la menace militaire occidentale et autres actions de déstabilisations. Enfin bon.

  • Ton processus de pensée, et celui de ce défenseur du pouvoir en place à l’origine de l’article, me surprend.
    Voici le coeur de l’article :

    Elle a elle-même admis qu’elle ne récupérait que des données sonores anonymisées, en conformité avec les conditions générales des applications concernées. CMG a peut-être accès à certaines questions posées à Google Assistant dans le cadre de certaines applications, mais n’a aucunement la possibilité d’écouter une conversation privée.

    Le coeur du problème est que n’importe qui peut théoriquement écouter nos conversations(, l’État, un logiciel-espion, …).
    Ici, un symptôme de ce problème est qu’une entreprise récupère des données sonores anonymisées(, terme relatif lorsqu’il s’agit de publicités).
    L’auteur utilise les mots de Cox Media Group, et au lieu de pointer cela comme un surprenant aveu, c’est interprété comme un debunk. Dsl pour ma surprise, je suppose qu’il a effectivement raison de vouloir lutter contre la croyance(«désinformation/conspiration») que des employé.e.s de Cox Media Group nous écoutent en direct avec un calepin à la main.

    indiquent avec une icône orange quand le micro est ouvert.

    Peut-être, jamais fait gaffe(, et ça me refait penser à l’argument des assistants vocaux). Je ne sais pas où celle-ci se trouve, elle est sur tous les modèles ?
    Je suppose que pour contourner cela il faudrait repérer les moments où le téléphone est dans la poche, ou si celui-ci est dans une housse de protection.

    Si des entreprises parvenaient à contourner les protections des systèmes d’exploitation et qu’elles réussissaient à masquer leur activité réseau (oui, il faut utiliser des données pour envoyer des fichiers audio), pourquoi s’embêteraient-elles à analyser des centaines d’heures quotidiennes de flux audio, un processus coûteux et chronophage, quand des méthodes très simples de ciblage performant existent ?

    Si l’analyse se fait “sur place”, alors la réelle consommation serait celle de la batterie, et pas de raison pour que l’envoi de ces résultats dépasse une poignée de kilo-octets.
    Je pense qu’il sont à l’affût de certains mots-clés et n’envoient par exemple que la fréquence de tel ou tel mot-clé, même si ce genre de logiciels ne fait que s’améliorer au fur et à mesure du temps(, le but est de gagner de l’argent pas ‘d’améliorer le monde’/‘la vertu’/‘l’avènement du royaume des Cieux’).

    Les applications peuvent analyser […] l’historique de navigation…

    Terrifiant si c’est le cas de n’importe quelle application(, il suffit de demander l’accès au.x fichiers/stockage ?), et après tout les cookies publicitaires le font déjà pour certains sites.
    Par exemple une application pour Lemmy pourrait te permettre d’ouvrir des liens web, et le service publicitaire qu’elle utilise récupérerait discrètement les adresses de chaque lien web ouvert par cette application, je suppose que ce genre de chose serait possible.
    Enfin bon, l’État a probablement déjà accès à tout ça, il y a aussi la reconnaissance faciale et, plus que tout, le contrôle des médias, ce dernier est le plus important pour garder le contrôle. Par exemple, on basculerait en quelques années dans une démocratie directe si nos médias y étaient tous favorables, entre autres sujets.