Anybody idiotic enough to buy those deserve precisely what they’re going to get.
Anybody idiotic enough to buy those deserve precisely what they’re going to get.
While having the peons pay the bill for it, of course. After all, taxes are for people too poor to hire one of the really smart accountants.
I don’t disagree, but my problem is the ways in which it clearly isn’t Fallout. Specifically, FO has some deep lore that justifies the existence, mannerisms and internecine postures of the various factions, but here it’s apparently just… Waves of nutters take the first opportunity to move into a radiological quarantine zone and set up shop as conveniently thematic gangs for… reasons.
“Just think about it lads! Not only can we live in a place that’ll kill us on the cellular level, but we can wear theatrical facepaint - don’t ask where we’re getting a steady supply of that - like a 24/7 Kiss revival concert! It’ll be awesome! There’ll be matching top hats for everyone. Millinery is a real growth industry in here. Mind the mercury.”
But other than that, it looks fun enough.
Edit: Spelling.
While we may joke that Trump can turn everything he touches to shit by mere proximity, making a currency drop in value by announcing the US is going to be invested in propping it up is legitimately impressive in the “literally nobody else could (or would) have pulled that off” sense.
It’s damn near miraculous in a wine-to-water kind of way.
Yes. My point wasn’t that “they’re not illegal immigrants because they pay their taxes”, but that - of all the immigrants one could have - the ones that do pay taxes, while getting nothing in return for it are surely even more profitable for a state than actual citizens which can and do make use of public services.
“They kept calling us oblivious idiots for some reason.”
Presumably, the IRS would only know about them if, you know, they pay their taxes.
Eh, tried it. Doesn’t seem to support regex or even wildcard matching, which is… suboptimal. The preview window also often fails to show the content of the current file correctly.
Hah, okay. That’s pretty cool. If people are going to be writing farming bots anyway, one might as well make it the formal objective.
I’m fine right here, thanks. Although I’d been using Reddit for some time at that point, I permanently left Digg as part of the Great Exodus. I don’t see any particular appeal to going back to a centralized service, especially in the current climate.
Somehow, that managed to make her more feminine.
It’s hardly surprising. He’s always wanted to be Tony Stark, e.g. simultaneously a nerd and one of the cool kids. Unfortunately for Musk, Stark could pull that off because A) He’s neither real nor a realistic character and B) was a bona fide world-class genius. Musk - who’s so far from being a genius that you need the JWST to resolve ‘smart’ from his location in intellectual phase space - characteristically just managed to concurrently fail at both.
Setting aside all considerations of Trump and his Russian entanglements for a moment, it’s interesting how machine learning mirrors our own preconceptions back at us. It can be nice and validating, but not necessarily insightful when applied to public opinion. All it means is that Trump being subordinate to Russian interest is the common expressed perception. That doesn’t make it wrong (at all, in this case), but we didn’t need an LMM to tell us that.
It’s far more useful when applied to seeking out trends or patterns in scientific datasets where those are considerably less apparent. We really shouldn’t use this technology to build echo chambers for ourselves.
Somehow I don’t think that’ll draw in customers.
I’m currently using Sayonara, but Rythmbox is perfectly fine too.
You… grinds teeth may… have a point.
I have a confession to make: Unless shell script is absolutely required, I just use Python for all my automation needs.
There’s a lot of things that could be included in such a program that would be useful for the general population to know both in times of war and in peace. Civil defense and emergency response. First aid, evacuation of wounded/incapacitated people from dangerous areas. Basic firefighting, shelter locations and evacuation protocols etc.
That might have made more sense if polygraph testing actually performed better than a dice roll. The US Congress Office of Technology Assessment and the National Academy of Sciences could’ve told DHS that, but I guess they didn’t think to ask.
Or think in general.
“Oh no. Our automatic door seems to have suffered a unfortunate malfunction while you were trying to leave the premises.”