Yes, this is a 4 hour long review of a hotel that’s already closed.

  • @Summzashi
    1 month ago

    This video is literally an essay, your comparisons are nonsense. She reiterates the same points over and over again. There’s no reason this needs to be 4 hours. You and your strawmen can fuck off. Sarcastic little simp.

    • Cethin
      51 month ago

      You’re the one who brought up research papers. I just made sarcastic fun about how stupid the comparison is. It’s your own strawman you have issue with.

      • @Summzashi
        11 month ago

        Both are essays. The comparison is valid. Stop simping because a 4 hour video about a star wars hotel could be shorter. You’re so mad it’s quite embarrassing.

        • Cethin
          21 month ago

          Lol. Dude, I just said I enjoyed the video and I’m fine with the length. You came here to say it’s bad and wrong. Go do something else. I’m not mad about anything, but you seem to be for some reason.

          Anyway, I’m done here. This isn’t going anywhere and you just keep telling me I’m wrong for enjoying something I enjoyed. Bye.

          • @Summzashi
            1 month ago

            I’m literally only saying it could be shorter lmao. You enjoy what you enjoy dude. Does everyone constantly need to validate what you enjoy in life? Your extreme insecurity does explain your little tantrum though.

            • Cethin
              31 month ago

              No, you said:

              There’s absolutely no reason this video should be 4 hours long.

              If some people enjoy it as a 4 hour video then there is a reason. You can not enjoy it without telling other people they’re wrong for enjoying it.

              Your extreme insecurity does explain your little tantrum though.

              LOL. You’re in this thread calling people simps for enjoying something.

              Have a nice day. Goodbye.

              • @Summzashi
                11 month ago

                Your sentence doesn’t make any sense. You can enjoy it all you want, I just think it’s too long. That bothers you so much because you’re probably an insecure manchild that craves validation. You can be mad all you want and stomp your little feet, but people have different opinions sometimes. Cope and seethe.