Awesome Android Apps


Hi all,

for 2 years, sporadically, I’ve been adding awesome FOSS apps with the following:


  • Open Sourced
  • Free of charge (on F-Droid and source code repository releases)
  • Free as in Freedom
  • Ad-free
  • Installed and tested by me or by contributor
  • Privacy-friendly aware
  • Easy to use
  • Still in development or polished experience
  • Does not lack features compared to proprietary app
  • Does not need an account (the only exceptions are self-hosted) apps)
  • Has dark theme

…tested by my and then later by contributors. I think many of you will appreciate this simple repo, and I would love some help with it.

🏔️ Codeberg version

I hope you will find it useful! 🤩

  • www-gem
    41 month ago

    Any mastodon client? Also can I recommend the Right apps collection from Goodwy and Voyager as Lemmy client (I think they match the requirements to figure on your list).

    • PsyhackologicalOP
      11 month ago

      I thought of Mastadom but I have never used it yet and that’s why no clients. Thanks for suggestions. I know about Voyager but not Right apps collectiom from Goodwy. I will add Voyager soon but I cannot find this Goodwy collection.

      • www-gem
        11 month ago

        Great. If you search for Goodwy in Aurora for example you’ll find a bunch of apps starting with “Right”. Here is the list on GitHub as well:
        I may have additional suggestions if you’re interested.

        • PsyhackologicalOP
          1 month ago

          Goodwy in Aurora

          Ah, I see it now. Yeah, also a good suggestion, very minimalistic guy, though. 😆

          • www-gem
            21 month ago

            That’s why he get me: minimalism is my motto ;)
            Another suggestion: Magic Earth for navigation Also curious to know if we’ll see you on mastodon one day? (my client is Yuito btw)

            • PsyhackologicalOP
              1 month ago

              This way, you get me a little hyped for these. ;)

              Looks excellent and nice, but I dislike this:

              Magic Earth is a closed-source mobile app providing free worldwide navigation based on OpenStreetMap data and free speed cameras in 59 countries, available for no charge.

              Not open source…

              However, the Privacy Policy looks nice. 😁

              And yeah, I will be this year on Mastadon, just having a tough time with college…

              Also, Yuito is the fork of Tusky. What are the advantages? I don’t see Yuito on F-Droid when Tasky is.

              • www-gem
                21 month ago

                Yeah I avoid close source as much as possible and forgot about Magic Earth. As you noticed the features and privacy policy were sufficient to me to make an exception.

                For Yuito, here is the F-Droid link that also lists the difference with Tusky (which I used first).