• @PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I’m frankly sick and tired of bad things being able to happen on a dime, but good things taking decades and decades.

    You all are advocating for the same exact thing right now when it comes to our electoral politics. The simple solution right now to you all is to never lose another election again. That is simply untenable. We are seeing in real time that progress that is built slowly can be taken down in an instant. I think we need to fight fire with fire instead of polite comments.

    I don’t actually think there is a civil solution to get out of the political mess we’re in right now. We aren’t just disagreeing on things and spirited debate. We are diametrically opposed in our core values. How do we just keep politely disagreeing while they take everything from us? Like, it’s absurd to me that the stakes, if they win, is the end of our democracy, yet we are not treating it with that level of severity. If we truly did, we would stop at nothing to protect our democracy. I think Democrats are allowing democracy to be on the ballot right now, and that is unacceptable.

    If democracy is on the ballot, then democracy is already dead.