• @EatATaco@lemm.ee
    523 days ago

    One thing you got wrong is that Bernie got screwed. He got demolished by Clinton, by 12% points and millions of votes. It wasn’t even close. Democrats wanted Clinton, and the major complaints about the DNC during the primary was that they said nasty things about him in an email and gave her some debate questions. That’s it. It made no difference in the outcome.

    • @chakan2@lemmy.world
      1222 days ago

      Am I the only one that remember wieserman-sholtz getting successfully sued over that? I swear this country has the memory of an 81 year old president.

      • Nah, this dude is just lying their asses off for some reason. I get voting for the lesser of two evils, I mean I voted for Clinton as well. But, apparently there are still ride or die Clinton heads out here still sucking down the copium.

    • Only after the rest of the moderate candidates were convinced to drop out before the debate and voting… Sanders would have likely won the primaries if there were more moderates on the ticket to split the vote.

      • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
        623 days ago

        So you’re saying because the winner was someone more representative of who the average Democrat voted, sanders got screwed.

        • No, I’m saying that the DNC has the responsibility to remain impartial, and when it doesn’t, it’s not surprising that the candidate they decide deserves to be president loses.

          • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
            722 days ago

            They didn’t decide. The people voted for Clinton and then Biden, overwhelmingly. Because that’s the type of candidate they believe they want. Remember, sanders didnt drop out, he lost. Overwhelmingly so.

              • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
                22 days ago

                Are you pretending that’s been your argument up to this point?

                Btw, why didn’t you point out that both of them backtracked the comments?

                • Are you pretending that’s been your argument up to this point?

                  My dude, you are the one making claims. I’m just negating them as they come.

                  Btw, why didn’t you point out that both of them backtracked the comments?

                  Again… Manufactured consent. Why would two senior politicians make claims and then backtrack upon them without admitting they were wrong in the first place? Could it be that both of these politicians are dependent on the DNC for their political careers?

                  Just because someone is pressured into retracting a comment does not mean that it erases the material evidence the comments were based on.

                  • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
                    122 days ago

                    My dude, you are the one making claims.

                    I used the word argument, not claims. Are you suggesting you aren’t making an argument?

                    Again… Manufactured consent. Why would two senior politicians make claims and then backtrack upon them without admitting they were wrong in the first place?

                    So, how exactly did they rig it? You’re making some vague claims, but can point to nothing.