For the good of the republic and to demonstrate new leadership before the election

  • @flyingjakeOP
    3 days ago

    Given Biden’s condition, the Trump campaign will try to stoke irrational fears about a potential Harris presidency anyway. And the hypothetical, driven as it is by lurid right-wing fantasies, will necessarily be worse than the reality. That is, Harris can begin to defuse apocalyptic right-wing arguments against her—that she is some kind of left-wing radical who will render the country unrecognizable—by governing wisely for the remainder of the term.

      12 days ago

      ‘We should play along with fascist make-believe’ is quite a fucking take. As if anything a Democrat can do will stop Republicans from screeching about how far-left they are. Obama passed Newt Gingrich’s healthcare plan and they called him a communist. Biden’s basically taken the Republican approach to border security, minus the parts where they stole thousands of children, and they have not stopped screaming about open borders.

      They don’t fucking care.

      Stop trying to appease them.