• @SatyrSack
    824 days ago

    I am becoming the same way. Maybe I am just old, but I miss the days of buying something and having a finished product. Instead, we have games like this and Stardew Valley that release in an incomplete state and are still receiving major content updates almost a decade later.

    • Fubarberry
      1324 days ago

      Stardew doesn’t bother me because the updates are free. As soon as there’s more content for the game, I have it. If I feel like playing Stardew again, the new content is a reason to jump back in to playing it again.

      However with Dead Cells, whenever I think about going back and playing it I think about all the new content that I haven’t bought for it. It feels like my options are spend money for the current complete game, play an incomplete version, or just don’t play it right now. I’ve been deciding on “don’t play it right now” for years now.

      • @SatyrSack
        24 days ago

        My issue with Stardew Valley content updates is that they change how the game works. It is not just adding extra postgame missions or something. The content updates tend to fundamentally change how some things work. Your possible/preferred routes to reach endgame today are much different than they were in 2016. It makes it feel like perpetual Early Access.

    • all-knight-party
      924 days ago

      Dead Cells released in a state that felt pretty complete to me, so I just appreciate all the extra content, especially the free updates. It’s a game that’s so good I’m glad it got such loving support, because the core is so fantastic that I really did just want some more levels and items to increase replayability.

      I think it’s okay for it to end now. I’d also think it was okay if the devs kept going, but it’s in a place where it’s got enough content that it can end here and I’m okay with that.