• @MajinBlayze@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    When violence is used to maintain the status quo, announcing up front that you’re unwilling to use violence in response tells those in power that they need not listen to you.

    • DrTautology
      271 year ago

      The sad thing is that we don’t even need to use violence. We have the power to bring this country to a halt with nothing more than a well organized revolt.

      • @FordBeeblebrox@lemmy.world
        121 year ago

        Just stay home and play board games for a week, don’t spend any money.

        Things would change quick fast and in a hurry if a hundred million people all just took the end of July off.

        • @hark@lemmy.world
          101 year ago

          That’s not possible for a lot of people unless they’re fine with starving. Additionally, prisoner’s dilemma or some variant of that basically makes it impossible to do something like that, herding cats would be easier. World peace would be achieved if all soldiers refused to fight and yet that will never happen for a whole host of reasons.

          • @DragonAce@lemmy.world
            111 year ago

            That’s not possible for a lot of people unless they’re fine with starving.

            This is why a network of support and organization during a protest is vital. Because you’re going to have a lot of people in this position, so having some sort of place for donations and distribution of food/funds and a team to coordinate so the protests can continue uninterrupted is important. How to organize such a support network is a problem for people other than me who aren’t introverts.

      • work is slow
        311 year ago

        MLK was not the entirety of the civil rights movement and his legacy was whitewashed by Reagan to distort history. MLK also understood that, “riots are the language of the unheard.” Riots occurred because civil rights were not given when they asked nicely.

      • @Ruxias@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Perhaps the whitewashed, watered down MLK would beg to differ. He’s been reduced to like three quotes for people to slap on their Facebook profiles; for companies to paste on their messaging in February; to be trotted out once a year like Weekend at Bernie’s so people can feel the warm fuzzies inside and ignore actual, real-world racism and violence that is happening right now.

        It’s like anytime someone mentions anything above a megaphone and a cardboard sign there’s always one of you that comes out of the woodwork and is like “MLK… Checkmate 😎”. As another commenter said, MLK was not the civil rights movement of his time. The reason he is the poster child for that movement in that era is specifically because his personal convictions about non-violent protest are safe for the system as it is.

        Slavery can still exist, albeit in a different form. (Not chattel slavery) Racism can still exist, albeit in different forms. People who are victims of these systems are dismissed out-of-pocket because that’s the goal: the system never wanted to change, and by making MLK the summation of “the civil rights movement” in the eye of the public, they infused passivity into the discourse. They tell you to make your signs, and get your megaphones, and write your blog posts because that’s what is safe for the system to continue on as it has always been.

        • @rockSlayer@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          I 100% agree with your position, but I just want to correct a long-standing whitewashing that still tricks folks on the left; his nonviolence theory was a political strategy, not a moral position

      • @DrOfMoo@lemmynsfw.com
        131 year ago

        MLK, while crucially important, was only ever a small part of a much larger movement. A movement practically immersed in violence.