Nestle? Spectrum? Some random company nobody knows about?

  • NotAPenguin
    1 year ago

    Plant do not feel pain… they respond to stimuli.
    It’s like saying antivirus software feels pain when it reacts to a virus on your computer.

    And again, a plant based diet uses less plants, so even if plants did feel pain(they do not) veganism is the answer.

    Yes, why wouldn’t I upvote my own posts? Obviously I like what I myself post.

    • Froyn
      41 year ago

      Just because you do not understand it does not mean it does not exist.
      Pain is a human defined “experience” to specific stimuli.
      You cannot state definitively that plants cannot experience something equivalent.

      "Plants respond to herbivore attack through an intricate and dynamic defense system that includes structural barriers, toxic chemicals, and attraction of natural enemies of the target pests. " –

      So I mean they’re just “defending” themselves for no reason, right?

      • NotAPenguin
        31 year ago

        Even if this argument made any kind of sense then going vegan would still be the answer.
        A plant based diet uses way less plants than a meat filled one because you get to skip the inefficient middleman of animals.

          • NotAPenguin
            21 year ago

            Usually a discussion works by addressing the arguments the other person made.

            • Froyn
              21 year ago

              I’m sorry, I must have missed where you had linked some scientific journals to indicate plants do not feel pain or are somehow inferior to “animals”.

              • @sin_free_for_00_days
                21 year ago

                I have to admire your tenacity at replying to the vegan weirdo. I’ve laughed at this thread and honestly hope it goes on for longer.

                • Froyn
                  21 year ago

                  They’re not a weirdo and I’ll step up to defend them from your claim as such. They are passionate. I might disagree with their thoughts on plants not being our equal (or better), but I respect they are passionate.

                  I got a chuckle myself. Their response below was one of those “are they?” tests. Downvote a bunch of their stuff and see if they notice. I’ll take my ding for the low-ball move to rustle the feathers. The reveal is their care for fake internet points. They require positive feedback from the community to feel positive themselves.

                  • @sin_free_for_00_days
                    21 year ago

                    You’re a better person that I am! I’ll stick with them being weirdos, with the caveat that most of us are weirdos in some way. Thank Buddha, because if everyone was “normal” it would be a boring state of affairs.