Nestle? Spectrum? Some random company nobody knows about?

  • Alien Surfer
    971 year ago

    Dutch East India Company - The original corporate raiders.


      451 year ago

      They are the Bug Bad Evil in my pirate themed DnD campaign. Or a proxy of them at least. What better justification for becoming a pirate than them? To quote a real pirate captain from the 1700, “They rob the poor under cover of law, we plunder the rich under the cover of our own courage.”

    • mohKohn
      71 year ago

      came here to say this. though if American slave traders had actually been a unified corporation I’d be pointing at them.

  • livus
    751 year ago

    Ok so Nestle for child murder, Bayer for AIDs blood, Union Carbide for Bhopal disaster and its parent Dow Chemical for Agent Orange (Monsanto too).

    IBM for helping the Nazis with concentration camps and Degesch for Zyclon B. United Fruit Company and Dutch & British East India Companies for colonization, also everyone that was shipping rubber out of the Belgian Congo.

    Everyone who makes landmines, cluster bombs, etc.

    I think when this question is asked in 100 years Palantir is going to feature.

    541 year ago

    United Fruit Company because they manipulated several countries in Central America and helped the CIA overthrowing the democratically elected government in Guatemala

    411 year ago

    Chiquita bananas. They literally stole entire south/central American countries and used death squads and the CIA to enslave the workers and kill them when they asked for such unreasonable demands like being paid in actual currency

        61 year ago

        As someone who lives in a banana republic that now has banana republic stores in its malls, this is a perplexing and sort of insulting end result, and I don’t understand how the name of the store ever took off

    • SeaJ
      41 year ago

      Don’t forget Dole. They caused the annexation is Hawai’i.

      Both have paid terrorist organizations in the last couple decades.

    • z3rOR0ne
      01 year ago

      And we’ll never even get to know what the Gros Miguel Banana tasted like!

    321 year ago


    They made private data the „new gold“ which it is today long before social media started exploiting it. Changing their motto /code of conduct „Don’t be evil“ into „Do the right thing“ (for our shareholders) didn’t benefit their reputation either…

      1 year ago

      Changing their motto /code of conduct „Don’t be evil“ into „Do the right thing“ (for our shareholders) didn’t benefit their reputation either…

      It’s still in their code of conduct, though.

  • NotAPenguin
    261 year ago

    Meat producers.

    Trillions of animals killed for profit every year.

        • sycamore
          71 year ago

          You just told us that selling meat is worse than slavery.

          • NotAPenguin
            41 year ago


            Did everyone else replying in this thread do the same then? Did the person who answered “google” say that google is worse than slavery?

            Besides, is forcing someone into existence only to trap, abuse, exploit and kill them for profit not slavery?

    • HelixDab
      121 year ago

      …And how exactly do you think people are going to be able to eat meat otherwise? Or have dairy, eggs, wool, etc.? Do you think that people should e.g., raise chickens in the city?

      And that’s ignoring the small obligate carnivores that make up most of the pets in the world.

      Hey, I’d rather hunt my own food too, but we no longer live in tribal or feudal societies where you can reasonably expect to engage in animal husbandry yourself.

      • NotAPenguin
        111 year ago

        We shouldn’t be eating meat or any other animal products.

        Animals are living and feeling beings who experience the world much like humans do, we shouldn’t be exploiting, abusing or killing them for profit/taste when we can easily avoid it.

        And it’s terrible for the planet.

        Environmental Impacts of Food Production

        • HelixDab
          111 year ago

          First: How do you reconcile that view with the idea that animals also experience the world as people do with the idea that animals kill and eat other animals? Bears, for instance, are roughly as intelligent as a kindergartener, and yet happily kill and eat any other animals that they can. Pigs and crows are also omnivorous, and will eat any source of meat that they come across. They can all likewise avoid killing if they choose, yet they don’t. Are they immoral? Or does morality only apply to humans? (Even animals that we traditionally think of as herbivorous are opportunistic meat eaters.)

          Second: What would you propose replacing animal products with, when there are no alternatives that function as well? What about when the alternative products also cause greater environmental harms?

          Third: So you would not have a problem with, for instance, hunting and eating invasive species, since those species cause more harm to existing ecosystems than not eradicating them would? What about when those invasive species are also highly intelligent, e.g. feral pigs? Or is it better to let them wreck existing ecosystems so that humans aren’t causing harm? To drill down on that further, should humans allow harm to happen by failing to act, or should we cause harm to prevent greater harm?

          Fourth: “Exploiting” is such an interesting claim. Vegans are typically opposed to honey, since they view it as an exploitative product. Are you aware that without commercial apiaries, agriculture would collapse? That is, without exploiting honey bees, we are not capable of pollinating crops?

          Would you agree, given that all food production for humans causes environmental harm, that the only rational approach to eliminate that harm is the eradication of humanity?

            71 year ago

            I’m not a vegan, not even a vegetarian - but your message is so full of logical fallacies and whataboutisms, it’s enough to drive someone to veganism. Is that really the best you can do?

            The first sentence is like when a child has done something wrong, and their mother tells them off, so the child says “Well, <friend> did it too”, to which the mother responds, “Well, if <friend> jumped off a cliff, would you also jump off a cliff?”

            • NotAPenguin
              11 year ago

              Isn’t it crazy the kind of things people will say and upvote as soon as it’s about owning vegans?

              Such obviously flawed arguments would never fly for any other topic lol.

          • frevaljee
            51 year ago

            I copy paste the first two from the bingo board.

            Yes, animals kill in the wild - to survive. We humans are, as opposed to predators, omnivores. We know how to grow crops, vegetables, etc. and cultivate fields. We have a choice, a conscience and have morals.
            Are you identifying with the intelligence and life situation of that of a lion? Do you also commonly ask yourself “What would a lion do in my place right now”? Are lions that kill newborns of other lions, for example, really good role models?

            I can add to this regarding your question about more intelligent animals. So because some animals choose to kill, does that justify you doing so when you know it causes suffering? That does not make sense.

            There are no nutrients that stem exclusively from animals. Originally derived from bacteria and microorganisms, they are accumulated in the food chain via plants and animals. You can leave out the middleman, which is the animal. Accordingly, a balanced vegan diet can meet needs at any stage of life. For certain chronic diseases (type 2 diabetes, some cancers and heart disease), positive effects are even to be expected. Admittedly, it requires an initial conversion effort, since you have to get your nutrients via other foods and sometimes supplements. But don’t worry - it’s not rocket science and it’s for a good cause.

            See also:

            I actually didn’t find this one on the bingo board, so kudos. And this is sort of a grey area argument that isn’t really the core of the vegan proposition. But anyway my personal opinion is that it is ethical to kill for self defense (depending on the situation), even for an animal of “higher intelligence”. The same way as killing a person in self defense can be ethical in certain situations. But at the same time I don’t think we have an obligation to “step in” and save animals that are subject to predation etc in the wild, see the argument under “first”. This argument is quite close to the common one about killing for conservation, which is quite hillarious when you think about it. We have killed off all the natural predators, so the prey animals become overpopulated so we have to step in to kill them off for their own good.

            Not directly on the board, but anyway. We don’t need a honey bee industry for crop production. There are alternatives. And it makes more sense to use native pollinators anyways (see also here ).

            And bee farming is exploitative. We cut off the wings of the queen to force her to stay. Forcibly impregnate her, and steal the honey. See more here

            And as for your last point, ofc we cause environmental harm, that is unavoidable. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. Should we just give up and torture and kill sentient beings because we can’t avoid causing some harm to the environment? How does that make any sense?

          31 year ago

          Youd hate herbivores then, they have the most expendable energy for defence and obviously don’t need to kill - they’re herbivores

          Just look at how deadly fucking hippos are

          31 year ago

          Genuinely curious: How do you feel about the lab-grown meat technology? Would you consider being an omnivore if no animals suffered or died to provide the meat?

          • Soulcreator
            31 year ago

            Currently to produce lab grown meat they still need a fair amount of biological material for input into the process. So while it does appear to be the lesser of the two evils, especially from an environmental perspective, it’s not a purely ethical process. So I’m not sure how many vegetarians/vegans would be convinced to incorporate lab grown meat into their diet at this time.

          • NotAPenguin
            21 year ago

            If no animals were harmed in the process I wouldn’t mind but it’s not something I really want all that much, I’m good with plant based stuff.

            • Froyn
              51 year ago

              Wait just a hot second there. Plants are living, breathing, creatures as well. The largest organism on the planet is the aspen tree.

              • NotAPenguin
                31 year ago

                Why do people always pretend to suddenly be stupid when talking about veganism?

                You know damn well that plants don’t experience anything, pretending to be dumb isn’t a gotcha.

                • Froyn
                  61 year ago

                  I do enjoy how you went straight to insults to deflect your lack of knowledge. Then followed by implying I’m missing the same knowledge.

                  Just because we have yet to understand how plants experience life, does not mean that they do not. We know that plants respond to pain. We know plants respond to music.

                  Wife and I have been following the vegan eating habits for about 2 years now. We just don’t feel the need to proselytize about it. Yes, proselytize is the correct word. You’re trying to “save the animals because they feel pain”, we’re just trying to get in better shape in our 40s. We are not the same.

            1 year ago

            Not the OP. I’m not a vegan, and not even a vegetarian - however, I have hugely cut down on meat consumption because our western diet expectation of having meat in every single meal is absurdly excessive, and in my case resulting in increased cholesterol and other health risks. So I’ve cut back massively on meat such that it’s once a week, and something very lean.

            Lab grown meat has all the problems that farmed meat has, by and large, in terms of health impacts and energy intensiveness.

            The other thing is that since going to a mostly plant based diet, is I’ve found I simply do not miss meat, in particular I don’t miss red meat at all. So even if lab grown red meat could be less unhealthy, I’ll still give it a miss because plant based food is to be honest perfectly enjoyable. I would imagine many vegetarians and vegans won’t eat lab grown meat because they just don’t need it to enjoy food. I think it’s such a shame that so many eat lots of meat “politically” that they won’t even try reducing their meat consumption and finding other foods that are just as pleasurable, and a lot less damaging to their long term health.

        • @sin_free_for_00_days
          11 year ago

          Unless you’re also pushing for humans to stop having fucking kids, no amount of veggie hand-wringing makes a difference. God damn humans should be embarrassed for having kids. Nothing more irresponsible.

        11 year ago

        We very much so do live in a society where you can easily engage in animal Husbandry on your own.

        Almost everyone I know raises their own food and sells the excess to City Dwellers…but, to be fair I manage a 40k bird turkey farm

          51 year ago

          No offence fam but thats just straight up generational wealth. I live in an extremely farmer filled area and there’s not a chance me in my 1.4 k monthly apartment could ever dream of owning even a small farm - much less have the time to and still pay bills.

          I know a couple people who produce 70% of their own consumption, and are only able to do so cause theyre loaded as tits.

          Im glad you’re able to be shielded from the economy, but not everyone has that privilege (and ngl im even well off in my area)

            1 year ago

            Lmao no I said I manage I don’t own it but, even when I owned my own house (all wealth I have is self gotten my parents are broke too) we still grew most of our food and raised a flock of birds.

            I bought my first house with money I saved when I was in the Army. Then when I got my job at the farm they provided housing. Lived in my truck for almost 6 months after getting out of the Army before buying my house. Which was a POS and I slowly rebuilt it. Sorry you live in a apartment

              21 year ago

              If you don’t mind me asking what year did most of this happen? Its all pretty important even in the past like 5 years things have changed insanely. To have enough land to grow your own food is insane, and definetly not broke lol

      51 year ago

      Man, this is like going against slavery in the past, you are going to be downvoted to hell, but, in the future you will be on the right side of history, cheers.

      • NotAPenguin
        51 year ago

        It’s so damn exhausting, I’m just saying we should stop needlessly abusing animals, for some reason that’s controversial…

      • Captain_Ender
        01 year ago

        Holy shit you just compare meat eating to actual slavery? And you guys wonder why people think you’re fanatics.

          01 year ago

          Change “animal” for “jew”. If it’s an atrocity with a human it is an atrocity with another being. Sorry if you can’t see it, it’s not our fault.

          • Captain_Ender
            11 year ago

            You should probably take your holocaust denying whataboutism back to Reddit there chief.

              11 year ago

              Holocaust dennying??? LMAO man, I wasn’t expecting that on todays list. I’m not denying anything, nothing further from reality.

    • dioxy 🌱
      31 year ago

      Based, carnists downvoting you because they don’t want to admit their lifestyle is abusive and unethical

    • Rolivers
      41 year ago

      What’s so bad about coffee? If you don’t drink too much its not that bad right?

      I guess that applies to alcohol as well.

      51 year ago

      Fun fact. Saudi Aramco got hit with malware that took down basically their entire computer system. The hackers then demanded $50m in ransom.

      The virus was used for cyberwarfare[4] against national oil companies including Saudi Arabia’s Saudi Aramco and Qatar’s RasGas.[5][2][6] A group named “Cutting Sword of Justice” claimed responsibility for an attack on 30,000 Saudi Aramco workstations, causing the company to spend more than a week restoring their services.[7]