I was having a friendly discussion with someone this morning about PC and Laptops for work/education stuff, he suggested that I could use a chromebook for all this stuff and this would be a good idea and make things easier. I strongly disagreed with this, mainly because I hate laptops, the keyboard and touchpad make me angry and my PC does everything I need. Most things are synced to my phone for the rare times I may want to add something while out and about. So I thought I’d come here and seek other peoples opinions on laptops vs pc your needs? also if you are feeling bored and want to head on over to the survey ive linked and fill in a few questions I can more easily gather data to make into fun graphs, which if the data agrees with me, I can shove it in his face or should I be in the minority I can let him have this win.

  • @sin_free_for_00_days
    11 year ago

    I can not stand laptops. When I have to use one, it just pisses me off. People praising being able to bring the laptop with them, while I cherish leaving the computer behind when I go to do stuff. Laptops have way shittier keyboards, way shittier monitors, way shittier run times (battery doesn’t run out on PC), way shittier in just about every metric that matters.