Mfer literally quoted Orban. Bruuuuh

    1189 days ago

    I have been disappointed by that as well but this has been astoundingly good as far as debates have gone. The immediate fact checking is long overdue. And frankly I look forward to pointing at Trump’s extra speaking time as a bulwark against the “iT wAs BiAsEd By ThE lIbErAL mOdErAtOrS” complaints.

      849 days ago

      I’ve been genuinely impressed by their real-time fact checking. They’re swatting away every wild thing he says calmly and with specific examples of the truth. These moderators are incredibly well-prepared.

      • Hopefully that’s the standard from now on. Unless Donny finally kicks the bucket we’re probably gonna be seeing more of him even if he loses in November

        • shastaxc
          28 days ago

          There’s no way the GOP will give him another chance after losing twice, especially with all the other baggage

            • As much as I want to agree I still don’t think it’s likely he’ll ever see the inside of a cell. Not when the highest court in the land is almost entirely made up of his servants

              • To me, if trump loses, the charges will start piling up. Sure it may be years until he’s actually punished but I wouldn’t rule it out. Not with everything he is up against (so far). I’d bet money trump is committing more crimes to this day.