• Veraxus
    1 year ago

    Just because a Communist regime fails to uphold the promise of returning the power back to the people doesn’t make it magically not Communist

    I suppose you think the Nazis were socialist, as well? How could you write that and not realize how absurdly paradoxical that is. Let me analogize that for you:

    “Just because a husband fails to uphold the promise of returning home with cheeseburgers, doesn’t mean the TV he returned with is not a cheeseburger.”

    Communism has a clear definition and you apparently do not know what that is. So go read some Marx and then hit me up for a discussion that involves facts rather than fascist apologetics and bad faith logical fallacy accusations.

    • BrooklynMan
      1 year ago

      You claim to have facts, yet you cannot show any. All you have is complaints, whining, and insults. Yet you accuse me of arguing in bad faith? Lol.

    • Whiskey Pickle
      41 year ago

      Not only is this hilariously reductionist, it belies such an ignorance of both Marxism and communism in general, that it borders on misinformation.

      If you have to keep moving the goalposts this much and swing around the no true Scotsman fallacy like a cudgel, you should just admit that you lost the argument instead of digging, the whole, deeper and deeper.