Not a good look for Mastodon - what can be done to automate the removal of CSAM?

    • Lemdee
      6011 months ago

      So if I’m understanding right, based on their recommendations this will all be addressed as more moderation and QOL tools are introduced as we move further down the development roadmap?

        811 months ago

        What development roadmap? You’re not a product manager and this isn’t a Silicon Valley startup.

          • As does most successful open source software. It’s more of a "this is where we’d like to see things go long term, but that in no way restricts contributions, it merely helps communicate the ideas of the core contributors.

    • @duncesplayed
      5011 months ago

      If I can try to summarize the main findings:

      1. Computer-generated (e.g…, Stable Diffusion) child porn is not criminalized in Japan, and so many Japanese Mastodon servers don’t remove it
      2. Porn involving real children is removed, but not immediately, as it depends on instance admins to catch it, and they have other things to do. Also, when an account is banned, the Mastodon server software is not sending out a “delete” for all of their posted material (which would signal other instances to delete it)

      Problem #2 can hopefully be improved with better tooling. I don’t know what you do about problem #1, though.

        3811 months ago

        One option would be to decide that the underlying point of removing real CSAM is to avoid victimizing real children; and that computer-generated images are no more relevant to this goal than Harry/Draco slash fiction is.

          111 months ago

          And are you able to offer any evidence to reassure us that simulated child pornography doesn’t increase the risk to real children as pedophiles become normalised to the content and escalate (you know, like what already routinely happens with regular pornography)?

          Or are we just supposed to sacrifice children to your gut feeling?

            11 months ago

            Would you extend the same evidence-free argument to fictional stories, e.g. the Harry/Draco slash fiction that I mentioned?

            For what it’s worth, your comment has already caused ten murders. I don’t have to offer evidence, just as you don’t. I don’t know where those murders happened, or who was murdered, but it was clearly the result of your comment. Why are you such a terrible person as to post something that causes murder?

              111 months ago

              I have no problem saying that writing stories about two children having gay sex is pretty fucked in the head, along with anyone who forms a community around sharing and creating it.

              But it’s also not inherently abuse, nor is it indistinguishable from reality.

              You’re advocating that people just be cool with photo-realistic images of children, of any age, being raped, by any number of people, in any possible way, with no assurances that the images are genuinely “fake” or that pedophiles won’t be driven to make it a reality, despite other pedophiles cheering them on.

              I was a teenage contrarian psuedo-intellectual once upon a time too, but I never sold out other peoples children for something to jerk off too.

              If you want us to believe its harmless, prove it.

                111 months ago

                You keep making up weird, defamatory accusations. Please stop. This isn’t acceptable behavior here.

                  111 months ago

                  Awful pearl-clutchy for someone advocating for increased community support for photorealistic images of children being raped.

                  Which do you think is more acceptable to Lemmy in general? Someone saying “fuck”, or communities dedicated to photorealistic images of children being raped?

                  Maybe I’m not the one who should be changing their behavior.

                    111 months ago

                    FYI: You’ve now escalated to making knowingly-false accusations about a specific person.

        411 months ago

        I don’t know what you do about problem #1, though.

        Well the simple answer is that it doesn’t have to be illegal to remove it.

        The legal question is a lot harder, considering AI image generation has reached levels that are almost indistinguishable from reality.

          11 months ago

          In which case, admins should err on the side of caution and remove something that might be illegal.

          I personally would prefer to have nothing remotely close to CSAM, but as long as children aren’t being harmed in any conceivable way, I don’t think it would be illegal to post art containing children. But communities should absolutely manage things however they think is best for their community.

          In other words, I don’t think #1 is a problem at all, imo things should only be illegal if there’s a clear victim.

      4611 months ago

      4.1 Illustrated and Computer-Generated CSAM

      Stopped reading.

      Child abuse laws “exclude anime” for the same reason animal cruelty laws “exclude lettuce.” Drawings are not children.

      Drawings are not real.

      Half the goddamn point of saying CSAM instead of CP is to make clear that Bart Simpson doesn’t count. Bart Simpson is not real. It is fundamentally impossible to violate Bart Simpson’s rights, because he doesn’t fucking exist. There is nothing to protect him from. He cannot be harmed. He is imaginary.

      This cannot be a controversial statement. Anyone who can’t distinguish fiction from real life has brain problems.

      You can’t rape someone in MS Paint. Songs about murder don’t leave a body. If you write about robbing Fort Knox, the gold is still there. We’re not about to arrest Mads Mikkelsen for eating people. It did not happen. It was not real.

      If you still want to get mad at people for jerking off to the wrong fantasies, that is an entirely different problem from photographs of child rape.

          511 months ago

          What does that even mean?

          There’s nothing to “cover.” They’re talking about illustrations of bad things, alongside actual photographic evidence of actual bad things actually happening. Nothing can excuse that.

          No shit they are also discussing actual CSAM alongside… drawings. That is the problem. That’s what they did wrong.

        11 months ago

        Okay, thanks for the clarification

        Everyone except you still very much includes drawn & AI pornographic depictions of children within the basket of problematic content that should get filtered out of federated instances so thank you very much but I’m not sure your point changed anything.

          511 months ago

          They are not saying it shouldn’t be defederated, they are saying reporting this to authorities is pointless and that considering CSAM is harmful.

            • What’s the point of reporting it to authorities? It’s not illegal, nor should it be because there’s no victim, so all reporting it does is take up valuable time that could be spent tracking down actual abuse.

              211 months ago

              Definitions of CSAM definitely do not include illustrated and simulated forms. They do not have a victim and therefore cannot be abuse. I agree that it should not be allowed on public platforms, hence why all instances hosting it should be defederated. Despite this, it is not illegal, so reporting it to authorities is a waste of time for you and the authorities who are trying to remove and prevent actual CSAM.

          311 months ago

          If you don’t think images of actual child abuse, against actual children, is infinitely worse than some ink on paper, I don’t care about your opinion of anything.

          You can be against both. Don’t ever pretend they’re the same.

                  311 months ago

                  ‘Everyone but you agrees with me!’ Bullshit.

                  ‘Nobody wants this stuff that whole servers exist for.’ Self-defeating bullshit.

                  ‘You just don’t understand.’ Not an argument.

                    11 months ago

                    Okay, the former then.

                    Let’s just think about it, how do you think it would turn out if you went outside and asked anyone about pornographic drawings of children? How long until you find someone who thinks like you outside your internet bubble?

                    “Nobody wants this stuff that whole servers…”

                    There are also servers dedicated to real child porn with real children too. Do you think that argument has any value with that tidbit of information tacked onto it?

        411 months ago

        Oh, wait, Japanese in the other comment, now I get it. This conversation is a about AI Loli porn.

        Pfft, of course, that’s why no one is saying the words they mean, because it suddenly becomes much harder to take the stance since hatred towards Loli Porn is not universal.

        • I mean, I think it’s disgusting, but I don’t think it should be illegal. I feel the same way about cigarettes, 2 girls 1 cup, and profane language. It’s absolutely not for me, but that shouldn’t make it illegal.

          As long as there’s no victim, knock yourself out with whatever disgusting, weird stuff you’re into.