Overall, 39% of U.S. adults say they are “extremely proud” to be American in the most recent poll.

Meanwhile, only 18% of those aged 18-34 said the same, compared to 40% of those aged 35-54 and 50% of those 55 and over.

18% is still too high. As Obama’s pastor said, God damn America! Americans have very little to be proud of at this point.

  • Patapon Enjoyer
    11 months ago

    These things have costs, and that’s generally not a door I want to open unless things are getting very very bad.

    It’s easy to be fine with the way things are when you can be just comfortable enough hiding behind privilege. But sure, wait until things get worse, there are no time sensitive current threats to the existence of humanity anyway.

    • BraveSirZaphod
      111 months ago

      Maybe, but I think you’d find that most Americans, even young ones, wouldn’t actually want to open up Reign of Terror: American Boogaloo. Perhaps that’s privilege; maybe it’s Maybelline.

      The very existence of humanity is not something that is under meaningful threat according to any climate scientists I’m familiar with - even if there will be very significant challenges and changes that will disproportionately affect vulnerable populations - but I’m more than open to any evidence of actual apocalypse if you’ve got any.

      • Patapon Enjoyer
        111 months ago

        Reign of Terror: American Boogaloo? Is that the official name of US foreign policy?

        Anyhow, let’s see how great and humanely the wait out and see strategy works when irreversible damage has been done and millions of displaced people show up, I’m sure it’ll all work out fine.