I’m planning to selfhost my own webdav server, but I’m not sure what FOSS app to use. RCX seems to be not being maintained anymore (last updated was 2021). Any suggested app available in Fdroid?

EDIT1: I want to sync my keepassxc database using webdav so i can use the same file on my Android phone and laptop. Looks like keepassxc doesn’t support synchronization

EDIT2: ok I found DAVx⁵, has anyone tried it?

    • @JoyfulCodingGuy@lemmy.ml
      11 months ago

      Yes I’ve been using DAVx⁵ for many years to sync my Synology Calendar to my phone via WebDAV and my contacts via CardDAV. Any concerns you have?

      • s08nlql9OP
        111 months ago

        can i also use webdav in DavX to sync files for my keepass db?

        • @JoyfulCodingGuy@lemmy.ml
          11 months ago

          I see. Somehow I missed your first edit with that information. It does not seem like that’s an option given the response on the GitHub discussions: https://github.com/bitfireAT/davx5-ose/discussions/318#discussioncomment-5814992

          They suggest:

          creating a Tasker automation, or use an specialized application for synchronization like Syncthing or FolderSync for example.

          Apparently there’s also the option to use NextCloud and their app if you want to go that route like someone else suggested.

          • agustinh88
            111 months ago

            Sorry, but I use davx5 and sync with contacts and calendar with nextcloud

          • s08nlql9OP
            111 months ago

            ah I think they are suggesting Tasker if user wants to autocopy new files (e.g. say an image after taking a pic) to the WebDav folder. This is not what I plan to do as I will already place the keepass file to the webdav folder.

            My question about DavX is if it has WebDav feature (which looks like it has) and works correctly to sync files in the specified folder? I don’t see any webdav apps in Fdroid other than DavX.

        • @MasterBuilder
          111 months ago

          If you have a dropbox-like service, such as Synology Drive, you can put the file on the replicated volume to get the same effect.

          I use synology drive, but I have it locked down so I can only sync when I’m on my local network or I activate my personal VPN remotely.

    • @Goun@lemmy.ml
      211 months ago

      Yes! It works perfectly, you can have Google and non-Google accounts there.