So i watch youtube a lot and i am now using invidious, i can subscribe to all my previous channels but what i am missing a lot is the recommendation algorithm, like it would show me different videos based on my interests etc and finding new content would be easy.

But this would also mean my data would be sold to companies.

Is there something similar for these youtube frontends which can recommend me stuff without sacrificing my privacy?

  • Lemongrab
    111 months ago

    You can setup bitwarden to auto fill by allowing it to use the android accessability option. Makes frequent sign ins easier. Had to sign into a bunch of apps after a factory reset and it was a breezy.

    • LinkOpensChest.wav
      211 months ago

      I know, but I’m not a big fan of using autofill, and it’s not worth it for this niche scenario. LibreTube is literally the only app I have that behaves like this.

      I can see why it would be handy in a factory reset situation, but in such a case I could just toggle it on temporarily and then turn it off again.

      • Lemongrab
        211 months ago
