Today my wife and I made the switch from Microsoft Office 365 + Onedrive to the MyKsuite with Joplin as onenote alternative, Thunderbird for Outlook, and LibreOffice as desktop replacements. Feels great! It’ll take a while for the Microsoft email to become unused, but we’re getting there!
Ksuite is based in Switzerland and 1TB cloud storage plus their email and office apps costs €1.19 per month per user, an absolute steal compared to M365.
Next up: Linux as OS, probably a dual boot.
I’m American and switched to all that except ksuite over a decade ago. Started with linux back in '95 with Slackware.
I suggest you fully switch to Linux, and use QEMU to host Windows 10. Fire that up when necessary. Most windows software including games can be run in linux with Wine/Proton - no Windows needed.
Best to have 32G RAM, for flexibility.
Once you get comfortable, set up your own cloud. The simple hands-off choice is Synology, but there are good FOSS options. Set up a personal vpn secured with a certificate and a domain name, and you have your cloud wherever you need it.
I use OpenVPN and activate it briefly when i need something on my NAS, then disconnect. Joplin via WebDAV works well with this setup, as do shared volumes.