I’ve heard they’re better for pollinators, are more drought resistant, and are easier to maintain.

It’s hard to see a downside.

Has anyone here made the change? How’d it go?

  • Aaron
    51 year ago

    I’ve just put some clover seed down in the dead/grassless areas of my lawn and it’s starting to come up. I also went with white clover because I’m in New England and that species was recommended as best for our climate.

    All of our community grass areas in town are a mix of grass and white clover, including the park at the center of town where they hold the farmer’s market and people are always walking and playing. The clover seems to thrive there and isn’t bothered by the foot traffic, mowing, or never being watered.

    My reason for trying it was to fill dead areas without wasting a ton of water keeping grass alive.