And what specifically makes it special, appealing, or interesting to you?

  • @legion
    21 year ago

    I was always a massive fan of the Lost Planet games on Xbox 360. Mixes up my childhood favorite things, giant monsters and mechs.

      31 year ago

      Lost Planet was lovely. Had it on PC (was my first 5€ Steam purchase) but after I abandoned that, I missed the game. Got it for PS3, unfortunately that port was horrible.

      • @legion
        21 year ago

        Been playing through the Armored Core series starting from 3 on my PC via an emulator. If you have the mecha bug like me, its worth it.

          31 year ago

          I totally do have a mecha bug. I only have an Android TV to emulate on so that’s only enough for the first AC but I might give it a shot.

          Just a bit above I was praising Watch_Dogs. One of the highlights of that game (or the DLC, dunno anymore) were VR side missions, including one riding a Godzilla-sized mecha spider. Good stuff.