• @CmdrShepard
        311 months ago

        They want us to buy up property at inflated values (both price and interest rate) then default in a few years so they can buy them up in foreclosure auctions at a steep discount.

    • Roboticide
      211 months ago

      “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

      Economists want a perfect supply-demand capitalist dreamland. Demand drastically outstripping supply indicates something is wrong with The System^TM and that’s not acceptable, so they want to fix The System^TM .

      It’s clear the demand is there, so it’s not a consumer problem. The supply is super-limited and being reduced every day. That’s a supply problem. The only options are incentives (don’t really work in this situation) or regulation (which economists hate but no other choice).

      I assume most economists just don’t want to see what happens when that system reaches an absolute breaking point, so sign on for regulations it is.