What’s on your pull list this week?

I’m looking at…

Antarctica #2 - #1 was quite good.

Cull #1 - 5 issue mini by Kelly Thompson? I’m down.

Daredevil #14 - I think this is the end again?

Hawkgirl #2 - Also moving right along.

Knight Terrors Nightwing #2 - I usually disregard giant crossovers as sillyness and nonsense, but these haven’t been awful.

Sirens Of The City #2 - going FAST! #1 just came out.

Spider-Man #11 - Was thinking about dropping it, but now I have to know what this whole Spider-Boy thing is.

Tales Of The Titans #2 - Looking forward to how Gar got his eye back.

Vigil #4 - Nearing the end of this experiment, I still think City Boy and Spirit World are better.

X-Men Days Of Future Past Doomsday #2

More “Fall of X”… probably won’t buy them, but I’ll at least LOOK at them.

Alpha Flight #1
Dark X-Men #1
Uncanny Avengers #1

  • Ricardo
    21 year ago

    Picked up Antartica 2 and The Cull 1.

    Dropping Antartica, the writing is severely lacking. The characters don’t make sense nor do their motivations.

    The Cull was amazing. The art was incredible and the story seems weird in the best of ways.

    • Jordan LundOP
      11 year ago

      Sad to hear Ant. dropped in quality. The setup was good!

      • Ricardo
        11 year ago

        yea, i agree. I think issue 1 had a few issues, but the setup was intriguing. for this one I feel like we are missing a lot of context/background. there are things happening but we are not invested in any way to care, and the protagonist went from homeless in the last issue to be an expert in this one.