Comment what books have caused you to become distressed, traumatized, or unsettled in any way. Please elaborate as to why.

    171 year ago

    The House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. It wasn’t scary per say but I had an interesting experience where I had a manic episode reading it, barely slept, and got absolutely obsessed with the idea of it as I read it.

    10/10 loved the immersion aspect.

    • Came here to say exactly this! That one puts the reader in the narrator’s situation if you’re not careful. Which is pretty genius, but also terrifying. Stroooooong mental health warning like nothing else I’ve ever read, but sooo good. It took me three or four tries to get through it, just because of the ahem. Atmosphere it manifested in my brain. But it’s one of my favorite books ever.

      31 year ago

      This book also didn’t scare me in a traditional way but is definitely one of the most unsettling things I’ve read.

    • Azzy
      11 year ago

      oh gosh I read this one quite recently, the incredibly esoteric nature of it was utterly fascinating and somewhat terrifying…