They have approximately now lost over 5000 subscribers which equates to about $25000 per month or $300000 per year in lost revenue.

  • @TrustingZebra
    10 months ago

    I am not a right winger if that was what you were implying. I just dislike seeing political videos (regardless of their stance). Same for Lemmy for that matter, I block political communities whenever I see them in All.

    • MrScottyTay
      1510 months ago

      You do know that politics permeates almost everything subjective right?

        1610 months ago

        People who complain about politics in media are people so comfortable being pandered to they get upset when they’re not pandered to.

        Media with CIS white people? Not political. Media with queer people and maybe a few brown people? Political. China bad? Not political. China complicated and nuanced? Political.

          610 months ago

          They also frequently are completely nedia illiterate. Like people who think fallout is anti-communism, when it’s indifferent to that but extremely anti-capitalism.

            510 months ago

            Or my personal favorite was Paul Ryan complaining about Rage Against the Machine going political. lol

        • phillaholic
          610 months ago

          I guess we need to stop using the word “political” now. Yet another stupid language grab by the right-wing. I avoid Politics, in that I don’t want to hear what Trump said today or what someone said that might happen, blah blah blah. Major points, like incitements etc trickle down to me sure, but I don’t tune into Cable or Nightly news; It gives me too much anxiety. I also don’t care about Hunter Biden, if Joe Biden said something weird etc. It’s too much.

          That being said. I vote in every Election and Primary. I spend most of my energy in the primaries making sure to vote for the right candidate for me. The General Election is a party sweep these days as I lost Trust in anyone willing to run as a Republican.

          Media with Queer, and non-white people isn’t political to me. It’s Media. I love underdog or overcoming adversity stories, so they show up a lot.

      • @TrustingZebra
        510 months ago

        If you say so. But I’m talking about videos specifically designed to cause outrage and arguments. I’m sure you know the type.