They have approximately now lost over 5000 subscribers which equates to about $25000 per month or $300000 per year in lost revenue.

    • JokeDeity
      13011 months ago

      This is the issue every first world manager makes time and time again. They make greedy little shyster decisions to save a penny here or save face there and then it ends up costing them hundreds of times what it would have cost to just be ethical and decent in the beginning. It’s incredible really what letting the entire world be run by business degree graduates will create in terms of the corporate landscape.

      6811 months ago

      Honestly, that bit now seems kinda small compared to what’s happened with the sexual harassment allegations.

      It’s gone from YouTube drama because the channel’s a mess, to an actual scandal which paints the entire company as toxic.

            • phillaholic
              911 months ago

              It’s all related. When you run a company at such a ridiculous pace, everything that gets in the way has to be ignored, downplayed, or mitigated. Instead of taking the time to train, or help the employee do her job, they made it her fault. On top of it all not taking complaints and accusations seriously may be for lack of time. Don’t get me wrong, they fucked up. But these aren’t isolated incidents.

                • phillaholic
                  110 months ago

                  I’m not saying that at all. I’m saying dealing with it correctly is what goes out the window when you are in a rush. The responses we know about paint a picture of an organization that doesn’t want to put the time and effort into handling it, like the Waterblock. People start making excuses to justify it. If Madison reported being touched inappropriately and they did nothing that’s going to be a big deal. If she didn’t report it because they never listened to her anyway, that’s a different kind of problem, but not nearly as severe.

        210 months ago

        True. Though in that case, too, it seems like Linus had more than enough warning to have fixed it proactively if he wanted to

    8111 months ago

    As a bystander just here for the popcorn and drama, would someone mind explaining what Floatplane is and how it pertains to LTT and LMG?

      6511 months ago

      It’s like a subscription based YouTube replacement. Like nebula or something. But mostly it’s just LTT that has content there.

    • TheOneCurly
      11 months ago

      Floatplane is the video hosting service that they created and own. Instead of being ad supported it requires a monthly fee for each content creator on it (in the vein of only fans or patreon). So a loss of subs is a direct loss of monthly income for LTT.

      • Gamma
        711 months ago

        Is it just them on the service? I don’t see the appeal over Nebula

        • DaGeek247
          611 months ago

          It is not. It also has a lot of the not political gun youtubers on it, as wrll as various other hobby interests.

            311 months ago

            DankPods also has quite a few channels on there and does his drum streams there too. I wonder if people subscribed to non-LMG channels are unsubbing, figured Floatplane’s attachment to LMG might cause collateral damage to creators only related through the service they’re using.

          • MyNameIsFred
            311 months ago

            Is youtube cracking down on gun channels or something? Wouldnt shock me.

            • DaGeek247
              511 months ago

              Youtube is being an ass about guns specifically. They had vague rules about assembly instructions including not being allowed to show someone screwing in a suppressor. Then they did the typical google thing and offerred no discussion or recourse options for talking about the rules to any of the youtubers. Essentially, fuck you, you do what you’re told type of deal. It was enough that all the gun youtubers had legitimate worries about their job security in the short and longterm future. They’ve since walked back that specific rule, but there are still a lot of other rules restricting what kind of gun related content is actually allowed. And all the channel owners know that google can and will cut their gun content on a whim without forewarning or talking about it.

              You also see this with their rules about swearing in videos. Whatever makes the advertisors happiest apparently.

                11 months ago

                That’s hilarious and complete shit.

                Screwing on a suppressor?!

                YouTube: NO OPENING A BOTTLE ON VIJIA

                Being a creator would be so difficult nowadays with how careful you have to be to avoid their shitty unwritten rules.

              • DaGeek247
                111 months ago

                I mention the silencer thing because attaching one to a gun is literally screwing it in - every hollywood movie that includes a silencer has this specific scene in it, and so did all of the gun youtubers. Google never told anyone if these rules were for going forward or if their old content would get called out for it too, and so there was lrgit worries about finding a channel ban for videos uploaded ten years ago.

          • Gamma
            211 months ago

            Is there any way to see that? I clicked around their site and couldn’t find a list of what to expect, Nebula has creators on their home page

            • DaGeek247
              211 months ago

              I have no idea. I learned this from the not political gun youtubers and various other hobby interest channels telling me they had a floatplane account set up.

      1011 months ago

      I believe it’s their website/platform, where they post exclusive content that only subscribers can view

    6411 months ago

    I hate Floatplane being tied to LMG right now. The concept of floatplane is great and a competitor to YouTube is much needed

    • @TrustingZebra
      3511 months ago

      I’ve been enjoying Nebula as a creator-owned YouTube alternative. I don’t like all the creators there (a bit too “BreadTube” for my tastes), but there are plenty of creators that I do like. They have some decent bundles too.

          3211 months ago

          Left leaning YouTubers, although, just like anything in the mouth of right wingers, it’s losing its meaning because it’s used for anyone they disagree with.

          • phillaholic
            2011 months ago

            “Left Leaning” as far as I can tell today is anyone that doesn’t base a large chunk of their personality on hating or being against vulnerable groups of people.

          • @TrustingZebra
            11 months ago

            I am not a right winger if that was what you were implying. I just dislike seeing political videos (regardless of their stance). Same for Lemmy for that matter, I block political communities whenever I see them in All.

            • MrScottyTay
              1511 months ago

              You do know that politics permeates almost everything subjective right?

                1611 months ago

                People who complain about politics in media are people so comfortable being pandered to they get upset when they’re not pandered to.

                Media with CIS white people? Not political. Media with queer people and maybe a few brown people? Political. China bad? Not political. China complicated and nuanced? Political.

                • phillaholic
                  611 months ago

                  I guess we need to stop using the word “political” now. Yet another stupid language grab by the right-wing. I avoid Politics, in that I don’t want to hear what Trump said today or what someone said that might happen, blah blah blah. Major points, like incitements etc trickle down to me sure, but I don’t tune into Cable or Nightly news; It gives me too much anxiety. I also don’t care about Hunter Biden, if Joe Biden said something weird etc. It’s too much.

                  That being said. I vote in every Election and Primary. I spend most of my energy in the primaries making sure to vote for the right candidate for me. The General Election is a party sweep these days as I lost Trust in anyone willing to run as a Republican.

                  Media with Queer, and non-white people isn’t political to me. It’s Media. I love underdog or overcoming adversity stories, so they show up a lot.

                  611 months ago

                  They also frequently are completely nedia illiterate. Like people who think fallout is anti-communism, when it’s indifferent to that but extremely anti-capitalism.

              • @TrustingZebra
                511 months ago

                If you say so. But I’m talking about videos specifically designed to cause outrage and arguments. I’m sure you know the type.

            10 months ago

            It’s so sad how conservatives say the exact same thing, verbatim, about the left. The cults are eternally talking past each other.

    • N-E-N
      1011 months ago

      Yea YouTube desperately needs some legitimate competition

      • phillaholic
        511 months ago

        It’s not likely to ever happen. The business model just isn’t sustainable by itself. The costs are through the roof, and ads don’t pay enough to pay for it and pay creators. Any competitor would be far more restricted on who and what can be uploaded.

        • N-E-N
          111 months ago

          Definitely, I don’t see another platform popping up where anyone can upload basically unlimited amounts of anything. It’s kinda insane that Google even allows that still haha

          But Floatplane is at least a high-quality platform that sufficiently supports creators without ads (subscription instead)

    11 months ago

    Good, hopefully more follow. Floatplane subs have to be LMG’s most loyal audience. This is kinda surprising considering the amount of LMG apologists in reddit & LTT forums. Their level of shilling for a company is kinda unreal.

    Also fuck LMG’s “investigation.” Seems like just some diversion that will result in “we found no evidence of anything” and to say they did something. Typical corporate BS.

    Everything Madison said has been corroborated by another ex-employee, it aligns with her glassdoor review of last year, aligns with other anonymous employee coming forward exposing LMG’s toxic culture, and it’s supported by other bits and pieces of recordings. None of these parties are profiting by coming forward, on the contrary they are exposing themselves to the cult that is LMG’s fanbase (which drove a kid and his mom to suicide before).

    Unless LMG comes up with damning evidence proving everything wrong then anyone with half a brain will see through their bullshit.

      5811 months ago

      I’m condemning LMG like the next guy, but it would be good to reserve judgement until after the reports are published, at which point we can assess whether the investigation was done impartially or was biased and tampered with. The reality is, we just don’t have any evidence for either side, aside from testimonials. I’m interested in seeing what comes out of the investigation and will raise hell if the investigation is not properly conducted.

        5111 months ago

        This is social media, not a court of law. My standard of determination on where my money goes and what content I watch doesn’t need to be beyond a reasonable doubt.

          811 months ago

          They never said people can’t do that, but saying that the investigation with be bad before it has even started is just jumping to conclusions.

            511 months ago

            There are so many stories about them having a toxic workplace. Happy employees generally don’t record all hands meetings on sensitive subjects, which occured after that onr employee left. It’s pretty safe to say it’s a toxic environment and investigations will simply reveal the degree of toxicity. I don’t blame anyone who wants to donate money to toxic people.

              111 months ago

              Allegations kickstart an investigative process to validate or invalidate a claim. I’m not at all saying that the allegations might not be true (before anyone misconstrues my position). But saying “it’s pretty safe to say it’s s toxic environnement and investigating will reveal the degree of toxicity” is jumping to conclusions.

              Allegations and stories are NOT evidence. They are claims that need to be verified. This is why, before the days of DNA testing, so many people were wrongly convicted.

              The probability is high that LMG has institutional toxicity. I’m just saying to allow for due process before passing judgement. And once everything is on the table, go HAM.

                111 months ago

                They have responded poorly to some of the allegations. This isn’t some court system where exemplary evidence is required for conviction. If I think people are acting sketchy then I don’t really care about supporting them.

                  110 months ago

                  And that’s your prerogative lol. I just personally choose to follow due process prior to judgement. Otherwise, I would be repeating the same mistake Linus did (continuously), which is a pre-mature emotional response. Doesn’t mean it has to be followed by everyone, and vice versa.

        11 months ago

        Maybe it was his dad, not entirely sure, but it was real. You can see linus comment on the post from the kids parent:

        From what I know the kid had a YT channel, and their parent bought a silver YT play button from the NCIX auction years ago. Linus wanted the button back and they refused. Basement dwellers and bootlickers then proceeded to harass the kid in every way possible contributing to their suicide (and their parent’s suicide).

        • NιƙƙιDιɱҽʂ
          11 months ago

          It’s worse than that. Due to a mix-up with his MCN, he never rightfully received his play button, which was his reasoning for buying someone elses. The kid decided to give it back to Linus, but because he was so nice about it, Linus told him to keep it and rebadge it with his own channel name. The community still harassed him.

              611 months ago

              Not his fault tbh, but that wasn’t the point I was making. Many basement dwellers over at LTT forums/reddit think Madison and GN and anyone else raising valid stuff are just “looking for attention” as if being harassed by the mob of incels is any good.

            • @pascal@lemm.eeOP
              411 months ago

              It’s not, but reddit is wild on this and brings up excuses like “he should have made a video showing they’re best friends” or whatever.

              Linus did actually tweeted and talked a couple of minutes in a WAN show pleading his fanbase to leave this kid alone, but for reddit it was not enough.

                • phillaholic
                  311 months ago

                  While I don’t think it’s Linus’ fault that other people act like that, I do think he bears some responsibility in who and how he names people in his videos. A bit more consideration is necessary. It hasn’t come up a lot; Maybe the pool install company that screwed him over.

              • Xusontha
                111 months ago

                Yeah Reddit (and the rest of the internet) do get wild sometimes

                Probably could have done some more to help, but that’s the moral dilemma of looking back and seeing you always could’ve done more

        • WashedOver
          311 months ago

          Was the Mindchop channel about video games? If so I recall watching a video about the NCIX auctions. I recall the mission being to buy back the youtube play button from Linus’ early days there.

          I was watching due to the local uproar in the media of all of the customer data on the servers being sold to the highest bidder at the time. Being a former customer of NCIX for my personal system builds I wasn’t excited about this.

          I thought this guy was an adult if it is the same thing I was thinking about. It was spun as the guy built a cool smaller channel and couldn’t get his play button for reasons I didn’t understand and at the time of the video Linus decided the guy should have it as his channel was pretty cool. Since I wasn’t a rabid LTT viewer I never saw anything more about it and honestly I probably didn’t see another LTT video for a while after that.

    3210 months ago

    I suspect that if this destroys the company, Linus will turn into one of those raging conspiratorial lunatics who blames society for his failures. I always thought he was a level headed dude, but some of the stuff coming makes me think he’s more of a Scott Adams type deep down.

      10 months ago

      Given how much of his investment has gone into creating LMG, Floatplane, etc, I can certainly see that happening. Even the most level headed person in the world will have a point in which a switch in their minds would flip.

      I know a few people who were never the same after the dot-com crash, and most recently with the crypto crash. Such a loss (whether of their own making or external impact) will cause even the most sane person to be delusional and senile.

      I’m willing to put money that if LMG goes to the ground, we will see a person potentially beyond repair, possibly with a destroyed family, given that it’s both him and his wife as the primary investors. I really hope their kids come out unaffected.

      It’s just sad all around.

    • JamesConeZone [they/them]
      510 months ago

      The man put like a dozen cameras in his own house, including ones that are pointed at his kids room, he is not okay

    • @pascal@lemm.eeOP
      110 months ago

      That’s a nice joke that deservers more, but at this point I’m sad for Luke.

    1210 months ago

    To be honest, based on what I’ve seen from floatplane subscriber comments its people leaving because of the content pause.

    Any negative comment is immediately disliked to oblivion



      910 months ago

      I feel these graphs tell a different story:

      IMHO The people who really cared have left, the one who are on the verge are mainly waiting and the one actively participating with votes are the core fans.

      The source is Reddit from user nicePenguin, here’s an archived version (Link), they put up a site too at , I’m not sure about the overall accuracy, but it doesn’t seem wrong at first glance.

        210 months ago

        Yeah thats a good point, to be honest it looks like its mostly levelled off and they haven’t lost more than the people who joined after feeling bad for them bc of the hack.

        Personally, I’d be willing to bet most of the people they lost are the ones who most recently joined if their only reason for joining was feeling bad for them? Therefore not the hardcore stans

      610 months ago

      Well floatplane is where the hardcore stans lives… The chamber doesn’t just echo there, it reverbs.

    1111 months ago

    How does 5k subs equate to 25k revenue a month? I know quite a few YouTubers with more than that and they only make a few hundred a month.