A Georgia school board voted along party lines Thursday to fire a teacher after officials said she improperly read a book on gender fluidity to her fifth grade class.

  • originalucifer
    2811 months ago

    one of the man benefits of public education are having the kids taught by people who actually know what they are teaching, rather than random parents who think they know. yeah, its not perfect, but parents generally make worse teachers than, ya know, trained teachers.

    its classic micromanagement of the kid. let go

    • chaogomu
      1611 months ago

      Conservatives believe that their children are their property. Or a close analog thereof.

      So you teaching their kid something they don’t want the kid to know is treated like you’re damaging “their stuff”.

      Conservatives are all about protecting property, even when said property is actually a person who might not want their “protection”.

    • vlad
      111 months ago

      I’m very pro public schools. I’m only saying that parents must have authority over schools when it comes to their kids.