1. Please keep it civil
  2. Lets try to keep AI generated stuff to a minimum
  3. If you want to reply to a comment please also make ot rhyme.

Everything always get so serious. Thought this could be a fun experiment to discuss a serious issue in a non-serious way.

  • Big P
    1311 months ago

    Roses are red Violets are blue The worlds gonna end Before I turn 52

    • @MonkeyBusiness
      111 months ago

      Hey man, solar is getting cheaper every day, coal plants are going offline, and we may have cracked the code to profitable and carbon free geothermal energy!

      Oh, Combustion engine vehicle sales also peaked in 2017, so well slowly get our emissions from transportation down too!

      So long an Putin or Iran don’t start a nuclear war, we may yet survive the climate apocalypse.