Republican men seem massively troubled about their masculinity — and that’s literally causing death and suffering

    311 months ago

    I don’t care about this article, I’m talking in general of this sub and reddits defaults.

    Biden fucks up, it isn’t posted yet people bring up trump’s fuck ups all the time. Surely the focus would be on the current standing president and how he acts and what he does no?

    I knew I would get downvotes for asking this simple question, can’t have people not on the far left thinking…

    Well it’s because one side is doing way more awful shit way more often.

    I’d love to see the drugs found at the white house mentioned on these types of subs. Or the numerous times Biden has slipped up in talking like saying “god save the queen” for example, if trump did it, even now. It would be everywhere

      1311 months ago

      A racist, sexist, bigot, unrefined bumbling moron who was born into huge wealth and still managed to lose money to the average market, did a whole lot more than just slip ups.

      My brother in Christ you can’t possibly compare gassing people out of a church for a quick anti-christ photoshoot with misplacing a word.

      And don’t even dare bringing up drugs. Like the Don and Donnie aren’t high as fuck.

      You know why no one cares about Hunter? He’s not in the White House. You know who was? Someone elses kids.

      So yes, Orange Man bad. Very very bad, that’s why he’s being sued from every possible angle, because he broke so many laws. Don’t act like it’s anywhere close to comparable.

        211 months ago


        Biased as fuck towards the extreme left

        Thanks, I will look else where for actual news about current President and what’s happening

          611 months ago

          What extreme left?

          Are we going to dismantle capitalism now?

          If you see actual news, you know very well there’s nothing extremely left going on anywhere.

          Just because you put your faith in a bad actor, who turns out to be a very bad option, doesn’t make rest of the world extreme.

          Turning a blind eye to reality makes you the extreme one.

              411 months ago

              Yes, it’s globally on the rise, as the history keeps on repeating itself.

              What do you consider extreme right and extreme left?

                11 months ago

                Currently the left and right are very different from history, before the left was “fuck the government” now it’s very much “govern me harder”

                The extreme left is those who parade the rainbow everywhere and try to force it in every subject, these people will censor and try to ruin lives of those who don’t follow them. They also manufacture racism for their goals. very akin to facism.

                The extreme right are those who are too proud of their country, reject everyone that isn’t part of it, guns blazing, wanting tradition and will do anything to achieve that.

                Then there’s the more centralists where I am, but are classified as alt right by media, those who don’t care what you do as long as you don’t start forcing it or attacking over it, those who want to see both sides but can’t as the current power, as I’ve been saying, is extremely left leaning in what it will present and what is allowed to be talked about.

                I tried posting a link that showed that meta manipulated data in the 2020 election depending on what the Biden administration wanted and got banned for “you know what you’re doing”. Sorry we can talk about Jan 6 but not anything that lead up to that event that caused those people to act out so it doesn’t repeat?

                Those who don’t learn from history are certainly doomed to repeat but it seems the left thinks if it can remove it from history and pretend no one is talking about it then they can get away with it…

                We really need a neutral place to post both sides so people can actually maybe hopefully form their own opinions based off having the most information available to them

                Again the meme of the leftist pushing the centralist to the right and then complaining “why are you on their side” is very true, the left invites hate and distrust if you aren’t fully on their side

          11 months ago

          Butting in here. I’m a stark centrist.

          …Trump was an absolute shit show. With Trump, the right lost all claim to moral high ground – which is incredibly unfortunate, because it hands the left the keys to the castle. Sure, Trump had some good policy decisions, in some areas. But it wasn’t worth the cost. The right sacrificed their morals for power, amd lost their power in the process, plain and simple.

          …now they’ll slowly need to rebuild, and as they do, the left will be implementing so much naive and corrupt shit that the nation will be paying for it for the next 50 years* - and that’s how the right will be paying for Trump, the ‘right wing’ poster boy who has no real right wing ideals.

          *or, would be, if we weren’t headed for total financial ruin

            211 months ago

            Can you name them?

            But again, irrelevant. Post the shitshow Biden is doing, he is the current standing president yet people can’t seem to let trump go because what? That’s what you’re told?

              19 months ago

              I didn’t say Biden was doing any good. The topic was Trump. Why I don’t let go of Trump’s presidency is because he’s decimated the right’s claim to ant kind of moral authority. There are other presidents I don’t let go of, but they weren’t topical.

          411 months ago

          I don’t give a shit that Trump’s kid is high as a kite either. I don’t give a shit about people doing drugs. Drugs are kickass. It makes sense people would do drugs.

          I care about actual news.

            111 months ago

            If it came out trump’s kid was doing cocaine in the office then it would’ve made news and people would still bring it up