When asked about the federal government’s role, 41% of Americans say it should encourage the production of nuclear power.

Let’s get those new construction contracts signed!

  • @schroedingershat@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Money represents resources and labour.

    The 5GW of distributed or utility solar uses less mass and less of every individual element than the 1GW nuclear reactor except for Silicon and Oxygen (the most abundant things). 3GW of wind requires much less of everything except concrete (and the gap is closing rapidly).

    1000 people (including the underpaid factory workers and the upstream supply chain) working for a year can produce, ship and install the utility PV or 2-3 years for distributed, but it takes the same workforce a decade for the NPP just at the construction site (excluding the underpaid miners in Uzbekistan or Niger).

    You’re also presupposing results that have never happened historically and are incredibly easy for the fossil fuel industry (who are pushing this) to delay or sabotage.

      • If you want to run a hole digging campaign with public money you can do it with something that doesn’t permanently poison native land.

        Or alternatively employ those people to do something useful.

        • @lntl@lemmy.mlOP
          11 year ago

          When did you realize you’re talking to the same nasty person in two different threads?? ::rotflcoptr::