Damn it! Now I have to move all my domains.

  • @boff
    21 year ago

    But what percentage of their userbase wants to use them for domains. I’m sure it was profitable, but I doubt they were making as much on that as they could elsewhere. A service making them $50 million a year might not be enough for them to decide to continue with it when they are regularly dealing with products that make hundreds of millions or even billions from. It might just not be worth the effort.

    • AggressivelyPassive
      11 year ago

      No, it’s there other way round. You gain users/customers by selling domains and then upselling there.

      I get your opportunity cost argument, but that only really makes sense, if Google plans to use the money/resources freed somewhere else, and it doesn’t seem like Google is doing that much investing lately. This small branch could have churned on, making a bit of profit, but bot causing and issues either.