I’m happy we get a switch release of Fire Emblem (7) on Nintendo switch online. It was my first Fire Emblem i have every played and not sure, maybe the game i played the most (or it is sacred stones). I just took this game out of the gaming section in my video games store, a completly random pic, just thought it looks good. At home i couldn’t stop playing it. I have a lot nostalgia for this game and i wasn’t aware at that point that is was the first Fire Emblem outside of japan. So how did you get into the series and which was your first game?

  • TychoRC
    31 year ago

    Same here- FE7 was my first as well. I think I played it about 5 times before finally moving on to a new entry in the series, so for a lot of my FE life, it was my favorite purely for nostalgia. I was obsessed for a while with getting my support compendium filled out, so I’d plan out my runs and who I was going to use based completely on who I wanted to support. I do not miss the days of limited supports.

    These days I have a hard time deciding between PoR and 3H though. I lean more towards PoR, but it’s a tough call.