What opinion just makes you look like you aged 30 years

  • @derek
    91 year ago

    Also don’t understand people, who chose drinking as their hobby, compete in how many and what drinks they drank, how bad it was in the morning and what weird stuff they did under influence.

    I like alcohol beverages, but not a stupid culture being built around drinking.

    • @Billy_Gnosis@lemmy.ml
      91 year ago

      I’d through pot into this too. I don’t get those people who’s every waking moment is talking about getting high or what type of bud is the best.

    • nLuLukna OP
      51 year ago

      It’s actually really odd to travel to a place like Spain where the drinking culture is far more tame. Just see people put their achohol down for a bit after a couple of cups

      • @derek
        31 year ago

        Yeah, that’s how I like it. Having one or two craft beers and just walking out to enjoy taste and light effect of it.

        Maybe it’s because of age, but hangover and lack of sleep make me think twice before taking one more cup.