Stochastic terrorism strikes again. This is directly because of Moms for Liberty and Libs of TikTok.

  • Flying Squid
    10 months ago

    Libraries are amazing. I’m a bit biased because my wife is a library administrator, but so many people don’t know what libraries have available. Ours, and this isn’t a big city, has free 3D printers, online ebooks, audiobooks and streaming movies, fun kits you can take home with you like a ukulele with an instruction book, a PS5 and an HTC Vive in the teen room, even a pancake printer. It prints pancakes in any shape you design in some simple drawing software. How cool is that?

    They’re opening a new branch and they’re going to include, again for free, a room with a lockable door and a sign-up sheet that has a shower and a washer and dryer in it. One person at a time, but think about how many impoverished people could use a shower and some clean clothes. And the library is there to help them.

    But these people think all libraries do is give porn to children or whatever.

    • 𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒏
      310 months ago

      Growing up I’ve pretty much always visited libraries… they’re the only place nowadays you can go to hang out without buying something, and free internet before smartphones got commoditized

    • RiikkaTheIcePrincess
      310 months ago

      Well, that’s super freaking cool. How is it that libraries get cooler every time I hear about them? 😅[Jokey funs] Maybe they turn on the air conditioning just a bit before someone posts about them 🤔But then how do they know?! 🙀