Iran has banned a weightlifter from sports for life and dissolved a sports committee after the athlete greeted an Israeli counterpart on a podium.

Mostafa Rajaei, a veteran weightlifter, finished second in his category in the 2023 World Master Weightlifting Championships in Poland and stood on a podium with an Iranian flag wrapped around him on Saturday.

On anther step of the podium stood Maksim Svirsky from Israel, who finished third.

The two athletes shook hands and took a picture together, which led to the Iran Weightlifting Federation banning Rajaei from all sports for life due to what it called an “unforgivable” transgression.

  • @sunbeam60
    510 months ago

    You didn’t need to write all that. You could have just said “I’m on hexbear” and you could have saved yourself and us some time.

    • MultigrainCerealista [he/him, comrade/them]
      10 months ago

      In future we will add a disclaimer:


      Is that a reasonable compromise?

      This way you can maintain your thought free information bubble and we can still point out the ways in which mainstream propaganda shapes your world view, and you can just comfortably ignore it.

    • SoyViking [he/him]
      2610 months ago

      I made a comment on a Hexbear post and somebody from Hexbear replied back and now I’m angry.

    • Farman [any]
      2410 months ago

      So you are unwigling to learn or just have problems reading?

    • Egon [they/them]
      2410 months ago

      Someone takes the time to write out a well-thought out and civil response to foster a good faith discussion, and this is how you answer? Why do you people wonder why you’re treated with hostility by hexbear users? Why do you choose to remain obtuse and condescending? Why are you this afraid of challenging your worldview?

      • @sunbeam60
        10 months ago

        The discussion isn’t in good faith, though, and almost nothing is achieved. I would argue, without anything but personal observation as a basis, that 99% of non-hexbear users see 99% of hexbear comments as extremely inflammatory and that 99% of hexbear users see 99% of non-hexbear users as “libtards and chuds”.

        I am sure I could drink a couple of sensible pints with some hexbear users and have a good discussion in the pub, but online the greater internet fuckwad theory comes into play (from both “sides”). I would argue both hexbear and non-hexbear Lemmy were happier before you federated again. There is almost zero basis for finding consensus and an online forum isn’t the place to find it.

        On a personal level, as soon as per-account instance banning is possible, hexbear will take pride of place in my ban list. And I know what hexbear users think about that - that I’m swimming in a sea of US hegemony propaganda and I’ve got everything wrong and I’m totally fine with that. The judgment of hexbear users concerns me not one iota.

        • Egon [they/them]
          10 months ago

          the discussion is in good faith.

          Says the person who just wrote a dismissive one sentence gotcha. You weren’t acting in good faith. Saying you were doesn’t matter, what matters I your actions.

          All the other stuff: it’s not that you’re wrong - everybody is wrong. It’s not that you disagree - everybody disagrees. It’s that you’re being a condescending dickhead that fails to engage with the arguments presented.
          If you behave the same way in person I doubt there’s any people willing to talk to you for an extended period of time.
          You could argue that hexbear users were wrong, but I wouldn’t give a shit about your argument, because it’s based on anything but your feelings. If that was something you actually cared about, you would have looked thru the thread discussing federation currently, and you’d see the consensus is that federation is a good thing.

          I’m gonna ban you all.

          Oh no! What will we do without your smug condescension! What will we do without your inputs based on no research! What will we do without your ableist language! ooooooooooooooh I war really looking forward to your next idiotic sentence dismissing a long and thought out post.

        • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
          10 months ago

          On a personal level, as soon as per-account instance banning is possible, hexbear will take pride of pace in my ban list. And I know what hexbear users think about that - that I’m swimming in a sea of US hegemony propaganda and I’ve got everything wrong and I’m totally fine with that. The judgment of hexbear users concerns me not one iota.


          btw, we don’t in fact use ableist insults.

    • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
      2410 months ago

      Yes, but then how might you learn to be a better person if we, your kind hexagonal comrades, don’t help you?

    • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
      2210 months ago

      If you don’t want to talk to someone from Hexbear don’t reply to someone from Hexbear’d comments for a start.

      Of course since you’re not OP it’s really not your place anyways to say which instances can and can’t respond to them.

    • GarbageShoot [he/him]
      2210 months ago

      The person you were replying to before is also on Hexbear (and so am I, just to save you the trouble of pointing it out). It seems like we’re working with inconsistent standards here.

    • also can we just lose the “hexbear is so hostile for no reason” shtick. Every other instance is hostile and has its trolls, the only difference is that there are for more of us than you.

      • @sunbeam60
        110 months ago

        With the greatest of respect, and in my personal opinion, hexbear users have the reputation they deserve.

        • Egon [they/them]
          110 months ago

          Lmao you only receive hostility when you’re a condescending dickhead. Every time I see people complain about hostility I just look thru their comments and - yup - they started it by writing some smug gotcha, and then instead of engaging with people arguing in good faith, they kept going down that path. Why do you think you deserve to be treated in good faith, when you yourself cannot do the same? Civility is a two-way street

          • @sunbeam60
            10 months ago

            I completely agree civility is a two way street. I also agree that I have started to dismiss users from hexbear apriori. I’m a very courteous person generally and I’m not happy to engage in these discussions with hexbear users (I’ve done it a few times by now and my sole purpose isn’t to convince hexbear users that I’m right, which I never could, but to convince others that Lemmy isn’t just full of “so left-wing you’ve flipped to right-wing” hexbears. In some ways I feel it’s a fight for the soul of the wider Lemmy community. I’m but a drop in that wider ocean, but I wish more people would speak up against the extreme viewpoints you generally espouse. If the tone doesn’t change, I’ll probably drop off and see myself out.

            • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
              10 months ago

              but to convince others that Lemmy isn’t just full of “so left-wing you’ve flipped to right-wing” hexbears. In some ways I feel it’s a fight for the soul of the wider Lemmy community. I’m but a drop in that wider ocean, but I wish more people would speak up against the extreme viewpoints you generally espouse.

              lmao, distilled full of themselves redditor right here. Muh horseshoe theory both sides enlighted centrism too.

              If the tone doesn’t change, I’ll probably drop off and see myself out.

              Oh no. Please don’t go.

            • Egon [they/them]
              10 months ago

              I’m a very courteous person generally and I’m not happy to engage in these discussions with hexbear users.

              So you’re only courteous to people you think agree with you? Neat! You’re not courteous just because you say you are.

              In some ways I feel it’s a fight for the soul of the wider Lemmy community.

              It’s a niche forum made by marxists lmao, stop behaving like it’s some noble fight, and if it was you’re the one corrupting “the soul” you fucking dweeb. Go outside and organize, posting isn’t praxis.

              extreme viewpoints you generally espouse

              Ah yes extreme viewpoints like “people shouldn’t starve” “war is bad” and “child labour should be illegal” and “the people responsible for children working and starving and being homeless should be held responsible for these actions”. Very extreme.

              If the tone doesn’t change, I’ll probably drop off and see myself out.

              You could also consider actually engaging with the arguments and learning something, but if you’re incapable of that, good, fuck off. Go back to your echo chamber on reddit.