Why are they disallowed? And more importantly, why is this not transparent in the pinned post about Lemmy.one as a rule?

I was blindsided by this when I saw another user mention it, and while I enjoy Lemmy.one very much, I’m considering moving on because of this. I rarely, very rarely, down-vote, but at times it’s handy to push down misinformation or adverse content.

It feels a bit too much like YouTube and the removal of the dislike button to me. What are other’s thoughts?

  • @dill
    21 year ago

    While I do agree with the reasoning and think its probably net positive to remove… I love the downvote button.

    • @daFRAKKINpope
      21 year ago

      Same. I’m sitting here reading all the arguments for removing the downvote button thinking, “Y’all are making some valid points. Perhaps I’m changing my mind on this.”

      Still miss downvotes.