Nawww! I was low key wondering if I hadn’t shown up if someone would reach out. Thank you. How’d we forget ghostghost? And omegatau! And saxmachine?! Oh my god we left so many behind!
I posted to the Melbourne peregrine falcon, mental health and photography subs telling them that we were here. Then u/Penguin_in_the_sand responded and told me about a new sub called MelbourneDailyThread and told me to post on there as well, so I did. It’s weird how all the other Melbourne-related subs are still alive and kicking, just not the actual main sub! Felt weird to me anyway.
If someone is feeling reach-ey out-ey… Here’s some DT member names pulled from my RES:
5ivesos 40087812 akoya17 alsotheabyss antaresiac awake-asleep batarians betsymcduff bottom_racer camobilly casper_louisiana cherrytortoni dickiegreenleaf84 dndunlessurgent doughnutdrake etonmiss88 forgottensloth ghostghost31 ill_imagination5135 jmemequeene justchloe kvltc0re kidwithgreyhair lozzaness meantbent3 megamoist69 meljay0204 momoster96 omegatau ponte92 purplemo rekt_by_inflation saxmachine slappyxo starbabynoir taxisonoqui tinybreak turbulent_holiday473 weatherproofmonkey whinersarewieners
miss_cellophane starts and ends with underscores but Lemmy is trying to italicise their username
Some of these people are probably already here.
Bacon’s doc is here:
You can edit without needing to login/signup. 💪🏻
Edit: Also dumblederp, way to go on the names! I recognise a bunch, but wouldn’t remember them off the top of my head.
Thanks Llab, have updated.
No worries! 🖤
Ooo I just remembered one… Does anyone know, was it ntc16??. I remember them being good at quizzes?
Oh I’m here !!
Hello! I’m here 🖤
It’s weirdly touching seeing DT 2.0 coalesce
Nawww! I was low key wondering if I hadn’t shown up if someone would reach out. Thank you. How’d we forget ghostghost? And omegatau! And saxmachine?! Oh my god we left so many behind!
I posted to the Melbourne peregrine falcon, mental health and photography subs telling them that we were here. Then u/Penguin_in_the_sand responded and told me about a new sub called MelbourneDailyThread and told me to post on there as well, so I did. It’s weird how all the other Melbourne-related subs are still alive and kicking, just not the actual main sub! Felt weird to me anyway.