Okay, but why do we care about polls as much now? Haven’t they been spectacularly wrong for the past few election cycles? Not all, but I definitely feel like the overall accuracy and reliability of most national and state polling has been exceptionally poor.

In any case, I’m not at all surprised that his supporters aren’t bothered by the indictments. It’s a cult. Like, actually.

  • @CeruleanRuin
    81 year ago

    Bold of you to assume there was ever anything better before that. Two hundred years of nearly all affluent establishment geriatric white guys, who ran against affluent establishment geriatric white guys.

    • @sin_free_for_00_days
      31 year ago

      There are a lot of historical things to bitch about as far as the ruling class, but out of 46 presidents, only Biden, trump, and reagan were above 70 while holding office. Well, I guess technically you could add Eisenhower, but he was 62 when elected. A good chunk of them where in their 40s or 50s when elected. We’ve never had this shit before. Shitty choices, sure. But not this shit.

      • @CeruleanRuin
        21 year ago

        The definition of ‘old’ has also shifted, though. Personally I don’t care much how old a person are. I only care how old their ideas are.

        • @sin_free_for_00_days
          11 year ago

          I suppose. That’s when we end up with people like Reagan who have no idea what the hell’s going on. Or Biden saying things like “God Save the Queen” which nobody knows what the hell he’s talking about. I don’t want to presume your age or life experience, but so many old people when they start to lose their minds, they can go quickly. It’s why we should have a max age limit, just like we have a min age limit.