With everything going on with Twitter and Reddit I feel like I have a new appreciation for having my own local knowledge base on Logseq.

Demo page: https://demo.logseq.com

  • @daluca@feddit.nz
    21 year ago

    The journal is the biggest reason I move from Obsidian to using Logseq regularly. There is so much less friction just going to journal and writing ideas rather then figuring out where to add the note too before typing.

    • Bad3rOP
      31 year ago

      True. The journal, the block level editing, the outliner view, and being FOSS are strong reasons to consider Logseq over Obsidian.

      • Bad3rOP
        11 year ago

        That’s why I prefer Logseq. I never think about what folder something fits into. I write in the journal and tag stuff. Once there is enough information regarding a topic, I create a page for it. Also, the fact that Logseq is open source is a major plus in my eyes.