My friend and I were discussing this over the weekend. Games are inherently different than movies, books, and music. They’re tied to specific hardware and operating systems that may not be available anymore.

I argue that if a game is no longer legally purchasable from the publishers or developer, it should be legally permitted to pirate it. Even EA agrees! They do not pursue copyright claims against LOTR games, as they lost the publishing license from New Line Cinemas years ago.

  • eltimablo
    110 months ago

    I’ve got a rip of 4A if you want it. Might even have my old copy for 360 around here somewhere if you’d prefer that.

    • Phanatik
      110 months ago

      That’s very kind of you. I prefer physical CDs that I can redump if anything gets messed up. Haven’t seen what I need to dump 360 games but I can give it a go.

        110 months ago

        360 games require original hardware unless there’s been some breakthrough recently. They use their own kinda weird dual layer DVD format.

        • Phanatik
          110 months ago

          Well shit. I think I’m close to being done with the PS3 exclusives so the 360 is an option.

            10 months ago

            Yeah you can get drives that can rip them with third party firmware installed, (I have drives with custom firmware for other things) but the cheapest way is to just use an actual Xbox 360. Doesn’t need to be modded, Xenia can just use an installed game, so you just install the game to a flash drive then you can move it to your PC and run it from there.