“Protest and dissent is important,” Reddit CEO Steve Huffman told the AP. “The problem with this one is it’s not going to change anything.”

  • @sunbeam60
    971 year ago

    I’m presuming when he says “we” he means the royal “we”, ie “I”. I’m not expecting him to negotiate on it. The next CEO will, though, in a couple of months.

    • LostCause
      581 year ago

      “Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial ‘we.’”

      • Mark Twain

      Yeah, so which is spez again?

      • brownpaperbag
        1 year ago

        While that quote has been attributed to Twain (and several others) over the years, there is nothing to suggest that Twain used this particular phrasing nor was he the originator of it. That credit goes to George H Derby, under the pseudonym John Phoenix, back in 1855.

        The trifecta of “kings, editors and people with tapeworm” has been widely attributed to Mark Twain, but like so many witticisms credited to him, there’s no record he ever said it. It’s also unlikely that Henry David Thoreau ever made the remark once ascribed to him: “We is used by royalty, editors, pregnant women and people who eat worms.”

        Worms, or more specifically tapeworms, figure prominently in we-­related humor. The earliest known joke to combine parasites and pronouns comes from George Horatio Derby, a humorist from California who assumed the pen name John Phoenix. “I do not think I have a tapeworm,” he wrote in 1855, “therefore I have no claim whatever to call myself ‘we,’ and I shall by no means fall into that editorial absurdity.”

        New York Times, Ben Zimmer, 2010-10-01

      • kokoapadoa
        1 year ago

        king. people with tapeworms are actually fairly cool, but kings have historically been rather cruel and unjust.

      • BrerChicken
        21 year ago

        Mr C missed an important one–teachers! But technically I’m talking about is as a class when I do it, so maybe not? We might never know.

      • Zana
        111 year ago

        He called the mods landed gentry, so he literally does view himself as the king.