After months of secretive planning, and preparing the crew to defend their ship if necessary, the Royal Canadian Navy has transited the Taiwan Strait.

As HMCS Ottawa entered the busy and strategically critical body of water at sunrise, it was flanked by three Chinese warships armed with missiles and torpedoes. They mirrored Ottawa’s moves for the entire 17-hour crossing.

Canada made the journey along with the USS Ralph Johnson, a U.S. Navy guided missile destroyer, in what both countries describe as a freedom of navigation exercise.

  • downpunxx
    410 months ago

    canadia sailed a warship through the taiwan straight, and that’s a fuck you to the united states, how?

    • wrath-sedan
      10 months ago

      Canada made the journey along with the USS Ralph Johnson, a U.S. Navy guided missile destroyer, in what both countries describe as a freedom of navigation exercise.

      Also they literally went together lol

      EDIT: Top comment was not actually confused, but is really being dragged through the mud for a slightly ambiguous three emoji combo haha, sorry top comment.

      410 months ago

      Maybe he only speaks “High School Emoji” and isn’t that fluent yet. Misunderstandings can happen like that.

        2210 months ago

        Or - and hear me out here - I’m in my 40s and assumed that those who read my comment had read the full article like I did and understood it was a joint mission between Canada and the US and the meaning would be obvious.

        I apologize my use of emoji wasn’t to your exacting standards but I find comedy that’s forced to lead the reader by the nose isn’t quite as funny. I hope some day you’ll find peace and healing for the harm I’ve caused you.

          610 months ago

          I wouldn’t worry too much about a reply-guy who rushes to the defense of another who calls Canada “canadia” to show solidarity in their judgment of “a stupid”. It’s actually funnier than my abhorrent emoji game. 😏

          10 months ago

          I didn’t even think I was being hostile? Does no one really remember thinking “embarasada” meant embarrassed in Spanish class?

          But now that I’ve checked back in with this thread and gotten a honestly pretty unexpected hostile reaction, yeah, let’s go with that then.