Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has said the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin – the Russian mercenary leader whose plane crashed weeks after he led a mutiny against Moscow’s military leadership – shows what happens when people make deals with Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

As Ukraine’s counteroffensive moves into a fourth month, with only modest gains to show so far, Zelensky told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria he rejected suggestions it was time to negotiate peace with the Kremlin.

“When you want to have a compromise or a dialogue with somebody, you cannot do it with a liar,” Volodymyr Zelensky said.

    10 months ago

    So it doesn’t end?

    Edit: barring NATO rolling in and starting WW3 that’s clearly not gonna happen. So what’s next?

      4010 months ago

      Why are you arguing for Ukraine to forgive and forget the rapes and murders and to give up parts off their country to the perpetrators rather than arguing for Russia to go back to Russia?

        1110 months ago

        Clearly Russia isn’t going to do that, no matter how much a bunch of nobodies argue for it online.

        Which actually realistic path leads to less dead people?

          10 months ago

          Negotiations don’t exist for Russia, they are known for breaking all agreements anyways. Russia is not trustworthy in the slightest, they have never missed to prove that. You don’t push the trigger on a loaded gun and hope for it to not fire. If you believe otherwise you desperately need to get out of you bubble and drink less Vodka.

          Russian people killing Putin is the only way to end this sooner.

            2610 months ago

            Putin-fanboys love to say “Ukraine needs to negotiate an end to this war” but like to forget that this war started because RuZZia shat on a treaty ensuring the sovereignty of Ukraine in exchange for their nuclear arms.

          • Hyperreality
            10 months ago

            It doesn’t matter that Russia’s word can’t be trusted.

            Push Russia back to the border so that their invasion isn’t rewarded, negotiate a ceasefire, then almost immediately make Ukraine a (defacto) NATO member, protect their airspace, no fly zone, arm them to the teeth.

            The Russians are far better at keeping their word, when they know that they are weak, and that it benefits them.

          910 months ago

          Clearly this bully isn’t going to stop trying to take your lunch money. If you continue trying to defend yourself it’s just going to lead to more fights and you getting hurt more. If you just give up your lunch money peacefully then it’ll be better for everybody!

            410 months ago

            You can’t just boil geopolitics down like that.

            The longer this goes the more people die. We can’t seem to stop Russia without plunging the world into more war…

              910 months ago

              The longer you keep fighting back, the more you will keep being hit. We can’t seem to stop the bully without you getting hurt more, so just be a good little boy and hand over your lunch money peacefully. And when the bully demands the contents of your backpack, hand that over to avoid more bloodshed. And when he demands your hat, hand that over too. You don’t want to keep getting hurt, do you?

      2310 months ago

      Then russia suffers until they learn (so probably forever).

      Ukraine has the will and the west has the means to make this a very painful lesson, maybe even Russians can learn this time.

        1010 months ago

        By every account Russia has the manpower to outlast Ukraine in this. I’m sure whoever is left in Ukraine once NATO is done teaching Russia this “lesson” will be so glad to have been a part of this.

        • mrnotoriousman
          3210 months ago

          If you lay off the Kremlin propaganda for a minute you’ll realize what a laughing stock they are to the real militaries in the world.

          2310 months ago

          By every account Russia has the manpower to outlast Ukraine in this.

          Wars don’t end because you kill everyone on the other side. The American revolutionaries didn’t murder every single English citizen on the face of the earth. Yet, they still won.

          The point is to last long enough and inflict enough losses that the other side does not want to continue the war. In Clausewitzian terms, even if you can’t win the Trial of Strength, you can still win the Battle of Wills.

          I’m sure whoever is left in Ukraine once NATO is done teaching Russia this “lesson” will be so glad to have been a part of this.

          Ukraine is an independent country that is completely capable of deciding for themselves whether, and at what cost, they want to keep fighting off a foreign invader occupying their territory. This is also part of the “Battle of Wills”.

          I’m not saying that NATO and its members don’t have an interest in the conflict, but the tell-tale sign that you’re regurgitating Russian propaganda is that in your arguments Ukraine has no agency.

          910 months ago

          You really been huffing that Russian propaganda, huh? It’ll turn your brain to mush, you should really stop.

      910 months ago

      So what’s next?

      who knows, but maybe some progress will be made when more modern weapons can be fired from western F16’s. It likely won’t have a huge impact, but every little bit helps