Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has said the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin – the Russian mercenary leader whose plane crashed weeks after he led a mutiny against Moscow’s military leadership – shows what happens when people make deals with Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

As Ukraine’s counteroffensive moves into a fourth month, with only modest gains to show so far, Zelensky told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria he rejected suggestions it was time to negotiate peace with the Kremlin.

“When you want to have a compromise or a dialogue with somebody, you cannot do it with a liar,” Volodymyr Zelensky said.

    24610 months ago

    Withdrawing troops, returning stolen land, children, prisoners and paying for damages… thats all i would accept. Nothing less.

      5010 months ago

      A ‘Treaty of Versailles’ type solution is not a good idea for durable peace though, harsh reparations, despite any sense they might be ‘fair’, seldom lead to both countries returning to be prosperous democratic countries (and to be clear, neither is a capitulation by Ukraine - that would be seen by Putin as locking in its current gains, with no real incentive not to try again for more despite what the treaty might say).

      The best outcome for everyone is if Russia ends up being a genuinely pluralistic democracy (i.e. anyone in Russia can have political views, and the public selects its leadership in free and fair elections). Then Ukraine can normalise relations with Russia, and Russia stops being a threat to democratic institutions across the world as a whole.

      I think the best way of thinking about it is not that Ukraine has a Russia problem, but rather that Ukraine and Russia have an oligarch problem (with Putin chief amongst them). Therefore, in a fair world, the oligarchs, and not the Russian people, would pay. It is true that Russians (and indeed some Ukrainians in occupied regions) have been radicalised by the oligarchs, so some kind of deradicalisation would be needed even if the oligarchs disappeared.

      Solutions that look to negotiate how to reduce corruption and authoritarianism in Russia from the top are therefore the most likely to succeed long term. Shorter term solutions could include a negotiated end to hostilities coupled with agreements for Ukraine to join a defensive alliance that the oligarchs wouldn’t consider provoking - which could be followed up by a carrot approach to easing sanctions in exchange for progressive movements towards genuine Russian democracy. This might give oligarchs enough push to take off ramps to cash in what they have plundered already, and slowly be replaced by less corrupt alternatives going forward.

      Recovery from oligarchy for Russia might also by costly for Russia though - essential assets plundered from the USSR are now in private hands through crony capitalism; the best solution would be for many of the major ones to go back to or be rebuilt under state ownership, under genuine democratic leadership. But that is likely easier said than done given the state of Russia.

        1510 months ago

        Socialism worked in Russia: it dragged hundreds of millions of people out of subsistence farming and turned the USSR into an economic powerhouse. Of course, the collapse of the USSR showed the failings of an aggressively socialist state, but the funny thing is that China already has the solution: a market-based economy with strong state control. Putin doesn’t dare piss off the oligarchs though, so we’re stuck with this crony bullshit.

          710 months ago

          | Socialism worked in Russia:

          Bullshit. Prosperity advanced much more in the west than in the Soviet Union, or anywhere in the soviet bloc. Corruption was rampant. Lying was rampant. People were miserable. Cultural genocide was the name of the game. Subjugated people hated it, and have fared significantly better since getting out. The only people who seem to be nostalgic about the USSR is the Russians, because they lost the ability to benefit from the slave labor of conquered vassal states.

          510 months ago

          Yeah China had the answer. 🙄

          Oppression of ethnic minorities, complete disregard for culture and individualism, zero tolerance for criticism and challenge, absolutely authority by a select few to do as they please.

          Yeah that’s fucking tankie logic for you. Fuck off bootlicker. We don’t want authoritative commie dictatorships. If you want it, FUCKING MOVE THERE.

            410 months ago

            Is the “commie” in the room with you now? This is an unhinged level of angrv to get over a really quite tame comment.

              510 months ago

              This guy is commenting all over this thread with low key support of the CCP, USSR and the Putin thug regime.

              So don’t tell me it is unhinged anger. This guy is a tankie shill and a dirtbag who supports genocidal maniacs.

          510 months ago

          China’s also showing the problem of that. The state control is too susceptible to corruption. That’s how they have a whole industry if fake construction, fake goods etc… And why they’re on the brink of a massive Construction bond related crash.

          110 months ago

          But for Russia to stop being a threat it’s sufficient to just lose this war finally

          What would be the definition of “losing” in this case? Countries tend use all the weapons at their disposal in order not to “lose”, in the case of Russia that would include its nuclear arsenal.

          Sounds like a better outcome for everyone would be for Russia to get a civil war, and just “forget” about Ukraine.

            310 months ago

            All weapons which make sense for Russia’s leadership. Nukes are not that, they want to still rule over something when this ends.

            Chemical weapons are possible, I think.

              110 months ago

              If we go far enough up the command chain, there are fallout shelters and slaves subordinates to rule over.

              But you’re right, chemical and biological are likely lower on the “let’s fuck every treaty” scale.

                310 months ago

                I suspect they are getting second thoughts there about those fallout shelters and how different they are from wow hypersonic missiles and wow radioelectronic warfare and other kinds of wow they considered real.

      • balderdash
        1210 months ago

        Solutions that look to negotiate how to reduce corruption and authoritarianism in Russia from the top are therefore the most likely to succeed long term.

        This may be true but the negotiations are with a dictator. It’s not like Putin is going to step down so that the problem is resolved peacefully.

        • Meldroc
          1010 months ago

          Yep. The only way to make progress on that front is to serve Putin some polonium tea…

            910 months ago

            That won’t work, it’s not just Putin doing this alone you know. You’d need a powerful (the most powerful, actually) faction inside the Russian state apparatus that want to just give up, and there’s no real reason to think there is such a group. And no anti-war opposition has enough support to do a coup or win elections.

            No defeatist is getting into power. It’s not going to happen unless Lenin rises from the dead.

              10 months ago

              I bet if they had a real option, they’d love to stop sending their kids to die.

              Saying as much now gets you thrown in jail.

    • @OurToothbrush@lemmy.mlM
      1410 months ago

      Okay then the war would go on and on until your government collapsed. A peace agreement is actually good here given that they just showed they were unable to reclaim much land with their counter offensive.

        • @OurToothbrush@lemmy.mlM
          210 months ago

          I’m literally basing this on bloodthirsty weapon manufacturer adjacent media, who’s interests are unaligned with saying things are going badly. Even they are getting cold feet on the war, or saying there never was an offensive or the offensive hasn’t really started yet.

      810 months ago

      How? Ukraine’s made like a few square kilometers of progress with hundreds of billions of dollars of funding while Russia has just fallen back from their low ground territorial gains to the more easily defensible high ground.

      What leverage does Ukraine even have for those demands?

      10 months ago

      If only you also were in the position to dictate this to Russia. Even the US isn’t in this position, and will never be.

  • Grant_M
    19310 months ago

    Russia is a terrorist country. Terrorists can’t be negotiated with. #SlavaUkraini

      7110 months ago

      Russia can’t be accepted back into the international community until Putin is in a jail cell or in the ground.

          • Cyclohexane
            2410 months ago

            And? Should we not point hypocricy and double standards because it hurts your feelings?

            • Veraticus
              3410 months ago

              This isn’t hypocrisy or a double standard. Your argument is unironically “because America did bad things we must let bad things happen everywhere.”

              No one here is saying America smells like roses. Does that mean we can’t try to do good? Must we stand idle and let Ukrainians die when we could help them?

              • Cyclohexane
                10 months ago

                Who here said “we must let bad things happen”?

                The commenter you replied to just mentioned that if we are outraged at Russia, we should be even more outraged at the US, and since a much longer time. But Ukraine and Russia are the only issues most hypocrites with double standards speak about. Say any criticism of the west and they lash out like is happening right here.

                • Veraticus
                  2610 months ago

                  Because criticism of the west is totally irrelevant to the question. It’s not even whataboutism; it’s absurdity. Even if the west is literally Satan incarnate, why does that mean we have to let Putin wage whatever war of aggression he desires?

                  The people who advance this argument are so anti-US they’ve become dictator simps. I think it’s good to shove the absurdity of their positions back in their faces.

                1510 months ago

                No, it’s pointing out a precedent set by the USA and allies that wholesale slaughter of innocents is acceptable to the international community. Russia’s invasion, whether legitimate or not, is no more spurious in its reasons than so many of the USA’s ones over the last how ever many decades.

                That doesn’t make this one right, it just points out that the “rules based order” is a falsehood. Otherwise every US president in recent to not so recent history would also have an arrest warrant out for them, and the US would be sanctioned into the ground.

                I generally have a hard time believing the US intends to do good outside of padding the pockets of corporate lobbyists and politicians. I’m not a fan of the whole “until the last Ukrainian” war that’s happening either.

                  1410 months ago

                  But the United States did not carpet bomb half of the Middle East like Russia is doing to Ukraine. The United States did not level Baghdad, or Kabul. Last time I checked both of those cities were still standing.

                  Do you want to talk about what aboutism? Go look at The destruction of Aleppo. That was done by the Assad regime with the backing of Russia. The United States never inflicted that level of destruction anywhere close to the scale of that war which has killed over 600,000 people.


                • Veraticus
                  1410 months ago

                  This seems totally unrelated to my point.

                  Even if this is true, we can still try to do the right thing. And we should try.

              • WuTang
                410 months ago


                Russia can’t be accepted back into the international community


                our argument is unironically “because America did bad things we must let bad things happen everywhere.”

                NO, idiot (sorry, sometime, let’s call a cat, a cat). Your “community” would have no sense and credibility as they still have one of the biggest warmonger at their table. This is not a stupid “whataboutism” argument that you are all blindly paroting! So’s comment is stupid.

                We, european, should not supply UA and follow USA’s plan in their proxy war. We should instead really work on a diplomatic level. BUT by playing the stupid rats we are, Putin has not reason to listen.

                No tankie, no Putin-sucker, i’m just plain rational and honest dude.

              510 months ago

              No, you shouldn’t do it because it’s stupid. If you had real arguments you would use them, but you don’t, so instead you trot out this garbage. It’s a sign of intellectual weakness and dishonesty.

              • Cyclohexane
                710 months ago

                If it really was such a bad and stupid argument, why can’t you address it? Spending paragraphs telling me an argument is bad without actually addressing it screens entitlement and incompetence to me.

                  210 months ago

                  Where did I “[spend] paragraphs telling [you] an argument is bad”?

                  Go ahead, I’ll wait.

                  Maybe you’ve mistaken me for someone else.

                  I used a few short and simple sentences to explain why your position is crap. That’s it.

          1210 months ago

          Sorry to see you downvoted, but in ukraine topics you can’t have any other opinion then West=Good or you are a Putin apologist. We are back at cold war red scare disscusion levels, no nuace is allowed.

          710 months ago

          Most of those actual deaths were Muslims killing Muslims. Deaths caused by United States soldiers are comparatively low.

          For example, the Iraqi body count website tracks 210,000 civilians killed between 2003 and 2020.

          According to your article, it cites US-led wars in countries such as Pakistan, Libya, Yemen and Syria. However, the United States did not launch a war in any of those countries and certainly did not fight a war in Pakistan which is a US ally.

          The Washington Post article as well as research from Brown University has Lucy affiliated anyone who has died outside of the expected peacetime death rate in any country in Africa in the Middle East to be attributable to the United States which is, frankly completely unfair. ISIL aka the Islamic State for instance killed tens of thousands of people, yet those deaths are attributed to the United States. Which is completely crazy!

          While I was completely against the 2003 Iraq war, and even March and protest against it, the truth of the matter is that Saddam was a complete bastard, the bath is party were fascist, and destroying them created enormous power vacuum which resulted in chaos death and destruction. However, this was probably an inevitability Saddam wasn’t going to last forever and had no system of governance to transfer leadership to someone else. The Middle East has been well known for centuries as a chaotic and violent region of the world and Sunni and Shiite Muslims have been at war with each other since time immemorial.

        1810 months ago

        While I’d like to believe this, if Putin comes to some peaceful agreement with Ukraine, the international community will just wait until people are distracted by the next big news story and then let Putin back in.

        I’d rather be cynical and happily surprised than optimistic and disappointed.

          610 months ago

          Actually likely not, he’s been building international relations similarly to the Russian criminal code of behavior, and while it’s sad that even Americans and Europeans would consider this kinda acceptable, now he’s shown himself to be weak and humiliated. In other words, of the lower caste, and simply said, a pidor.

          So no, he won’t be let back in. But some other (in appearances mostly, not in essence) government in Russia may.

              10 months ago

              I tried to look it up, I am only finding that it is a slur used to call people gay when they may or not be. U.S. equivalent seems to be like saying “Suck a dick, fag!” With pidor being the word at the end that would be shunned for being said.

              I halted on submitting this over and over because I feel like I am going to get downvoted for using that term even to define a word/usecase. (Then I remembered the points don’t matter and intent changes context)

        710 months ago

        I mean, by that logic we might as well dump everyone who’s started a major land war recently into the ground.

        Iraq, Ukraine, Afghanistan… ah fuck, eh?

      2710 months ago

      “Slava Ukraini” is fascists slogan used by, and mainly associated with, the mass murderers of hundreds of thousands of Poles and Jews. I guess that doesn’t count as terrorism in your worldview.

          10 months ago

          I really think “Slava Ukraini” is a fascist slogan, because it is. Since you’re mad at me for pointing it out, I suspect it might be you who would get banned if you said what you really think.

          In April 1941 in German-occupied Kraków, the younger part of the OUN seceded and formed its own organisation, called the OUN-B after its leader Stepan Bandera. The group adopted a fascist-style salute along with calling “Glory to Ukraine!” and responding with “Glory to the Heroes!”. During the failed attempt to build a Ukrainian state on lands occupied by Germany after its invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, triumphal arches with “Glory to Ukraine!”, along with other slogans, were erected in numerous Ukrainian cities.

              1310 months ago

              So it’s perfectly normal to revive a slogan that was last used by fascists? I’m sure the fact that Ukraine also made Bandera a national hero and put up statues of him and named streets in his honor right around the same time that slogan made its comeback is just a coincidence? Totally innocent slogan my ass.

                  10 months ago

                  Have a good day.

                  Look, you can’t just present an argument and then tell me not to reply.

                  The history of Ukrainian support of him is fairly new and is far more complicated than “we like fascists”,

                  I’d like to hear your arguments why worshiping the leader of an organization that took part in the Holocaust is somehow “complicated”. It’s not like this isn’t some well-known fact. Seriously, this is obviously totally fucked. Why would you feel to need to defend this? It’s not, actually, fucking complicated.

                  hostility so far

                  And whose fault is that?

        1210 months ago

        Ah yes, “Glory to Ukraine,” seems like a super specific slogan that can only be associated with one movement. In no way is it a generically nationalist slogan.

          710 months ago

          I already responded to this in a reply to another user:

          So it’s perfectly normal to revive a slogan that was last used by fascists? I’m sure the fact that Ukraine also made Bandera a national hero and put up statues of him and named streets in his honor right around the same time that slogan made its comeback is just a coincidence? Totally innocent slogan my ass.

          You might be blind in your right eye if you think this isn’t some fascist shit. This is like “the swastika is an old Hindu symbol” type defense, only worse because you’re ignoring the Hitler portrait right next to it.

            310 months ago

            I’m blind in my left eye, thank you very much… but since we’re copying other comments:


            It’s mainly associated with “Ukrainian Nationalists” since WWI, adoped by the fascist organization which took part in the Holocaust and massacre of Poles, whose members have been granted veteran benefits in 2019, and its emblem is being used by present Ukrainians.

            I’m not defending it, and as a Pole I’m definitely suspicious of Ukraine’s true intentions behind the slogan and the emblem… but I’m also pro-EU, and right now it’s better to support Ukraine, than to let Russia think about which EU member state to invade next.

            Afterwards, if Ukraine wants to get its shit in order to a level where it could join the EU and NATO… then go ahead. Germany did it, Italy and Spain did it, and we’re all better for that.

              510 months ago

              Germany and Italy literally did not get rid fascism willingly, they were defeated and this was imposed on them. And being from Germany, I assure you denazification was incredibly half-assed.

              Look at it for yourself:

              They’re doing the salute and everything. That salute was introduced by the fascist OUN.

                410 months ago

                FML… that is indeed the fascist salute.

                I know de-nazification was half-assed; I lived in Italy, now I live in Spain, and man, 45 years after the fascist regime was “gone”, there are still those opposing the removal of some fascist symbols. They used to argue that “it’s too soon”, now they’re arguing “it’s too late, let them be”, while there are still people killed by the dictature laying unidentified in some ditch or another.

                Guess we’ll have to live and see where it all goes.

    • @OurToothbrush@lemmy.mlM
      2410 months ago

      Slava Ukraini was literally the battle cry of the OUN, which collaborated in the holocaust. Find a different motto.

      • Grant_M
        2810 months ago

        I block all ruscist trolls. You’re up!

      • Grant_M
        2610 months ago

        SLAVA UKRAINI tell your czar putler his time is up. :)

        • @OurToothbrush@lemmy.mlM
          10 months ago

          Oh I know. I have a massive ax to grind on how little denazification happened after the war, especially in west Germany.

        10 months ago

        “ahhhhhh splat” is the current warcry of the woefully unprepared orcs getting slaughtered in a war that could end today. maybe you guys could at least come up with something original before winding up as compost?

        as expected tankies and brain-dead conservatives take issue with the fact I’m mocking the vatniks out there being converted into soil. guess what? I give as much a shit about you guys as the decomposing corpses of the mobiks, and find your opinions on the topic to be as usual, laughably silly and predictable. no, I’m not gonna have any need to humanise a bunch of trash that are invading another country. do I feel genuine sympathy for the conscripts who have no choice and no possibility to surrender? sure. that’s their lot unfortunatly, but you won’t find me crying over dead Russians in Ukraine

        1410 months ago

        what a ceasefire would provide

        Like the 2014 ceasefire? All it does is give Russia the opportunity to retrench and dig in. When the Ukrainians ask for a ceasefire, then I’ll support one.

          310 months ago

          Like every ceasefire.

          I suppose right now Ukraine just wants some better guarantees while it has a strong negotiating position.

          So that it takes some effort from Putin to even be heard.

          Or maybe what Zelensky says is what he means, you can’t negotiate with a pathological liar (just like a few of Ukraine’s allies, though) who doesn’t know how to lose with dignity. Be it a person or a whole elite of some country, like Russia. I mean, emotionally I’ve met some and I’d agree. Just don’t know what it is rationally.

      • Grant_M
        1310 months ago

        I’m only repeating what Ukrainians say. They know any concession with ruzzian terrorists now will only lead to ruzzian terrorists regrouping and reloading to perfom more genocide in a few months/years all over again. The fascist moscow regime needs to be stopped NOW.

          410 months ago

          The word “genocide” means something else (which, in case of Turkey and China and even Yazidis in Syria, most of the world has problems recognizing).

          Yes, but Ukrainians need to regroup too.

          • Grant_M
            10 months ago

            Murdering, kidnapping and brainwashing Ukrainian children is genocide. Attempting to exterminate the Ukrainian people is genocide.

              310 months ago

              Murdering, kidnapping and brainwashing Ukrainian children is genocide.

              Then we’ll have to introduce degrees of genocide.

              Attempting to exterminate the Ukrainian people is genocide.

              Which is not happening.

                  10 months ago

                  You don’t fucking know which things the words you use mean. And since you still dare voice your opinions on real world - blocking me is an important first step at stopping that.

        210 months ago

        I would understand if at least 20% of the Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel would be comprised of western volunteers talking about terrorists and no negotiations.

        Now do Russia. There must be more western volunteers on that side, I take it?

      310 months ago

      Foundations of geopolitics? Fuck that, more war. More Ukrainians will die, and that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.

        310 months ago

        More Ukrainians will die, and that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.

        I genuinely can’t tell if you are saying this ironically considering you are all over this thread defending Russia’s invasion.

  • Veraticus
    11410 months ago

    Lol right? I mean why would literally anyone trust Putin at this point?

      710 months ago

      I’m kind of confused why Prigozhin did what he did, even. He knew Putin was going to try to kill him afterwards, I had assumed he had his own play but I guess not.

      • Veraticus
        710 months ago

        His entire plan made very little sense. And he’s dead now so clearly whatever he thought he was doing definitely did not work out.

      • Fushuan [he/him]
        110 months ago

        IIRC, I believe Putin found the family members of the people in his chain of command and threatened with their safety.

          110 months ago

          It’s pretty weird if Prigozhin didn’t have those people all locked down already, too. He knew the gravity of starting an armed rebellion and he knew as well as anyone how Putin operates.

          • Fushuan [he/him]
            110 months ago

            As far as I recall, I read on a random article that his family was secured, but not the family of his close chain of command or something.

            10 months ago

            Who cares? Russia sucks. Remember when they were the bad guy in every movie and every American was anti-Russia? What the fuck happened to the GOP that they’re all sucking Russian dick now?

            Putin is a wannabe dictator fucking with Europe, America, and Canada with troll farms while invading non-aggressive neighbours and should be crushed.

            210 months ago

            Please go ahead and tell yourself what it says and why that makes it ok to kill Ukrainian civilians.

                510 months ago

                No. Just no. Russia is invading. You can’t, in good faith, blame the invaded for the casualties. The same way you can’t tell a woman that she got beaten because she refused to have sex.

                I can understand it’s not a black and white issue, but this is the laziest propaganda imaginable. You want to stop the casualties right now? Russia retreats to their territory at this very moment. It’s that simple. Keep trying to invade the country won’t reduce the casualties. Now you will take your whataboutism card to say it’s your time to do some killing. Or say that US allying with Ukraine and Russia taking my force is basically the same.

                You think the invasion is rightful so the deaths are in there fault of the defenders? Happy that Russia reports low civilian death ratio? Fantastic, you have now used the same argument that all other atrocities used. I’ll also oppose the ones you oppose BTW not only the ones that fit my agenda.

          • Fushuan [he/him]
            10 months ago

            Remind me again what did RAND Corp outline about US agenda against Russia in 2019 documents, or US ex-VP Dick Cheney tell us what NATO’s vision about Russia is (spoiler: balkanisation),

            Dunno, but not really necessary to know about it when the statement being challenged is “not wanting Ukraine invaded by Russia”.

            how Biden, after pumping $40B into Ukraine, is asking for $60B more from GOP to use Ukraine as a condom to try fuck with Russia till the “last Ukrainian”, causing deaths of both Ukrainians and Russians

            Don’t really care about US but isn’t your yearly military spending like 1Trillion? I looked it up and in 2016 the budget was $639.86B, while in 2023 seems to be $797.B, Accounting for inflation from 2016 to 2023 (Core inflation averaged 3.09% per year between 2016 and 2023 (vs all-CPI inflation of 3.52%), for an inflation total of 23.74%.) $639.86B then is $791,76B now, so accouting for inflation This year’s military budget is not higher than the one in 2016. I picked that year because as an outsider I don’t think the US was doing anything special by then, no covid no Ukraining war, nothing. So basically the US is not spending more than usual for the military, and although I think that’s too much in general, blaming the war maybe isn’t the best approach.

            It took me 5 mins to find these numbers and do the math.

        • WuTang
          310 months ago

          Quite dishonest to equate “not wanting Ukraine invaded by Russia” with being pro NATO.

          Quite dishonest to equate “criticizing Zelensky and this US proxy war” with being tankie or russian terrorist.

          That’s crazy, the level of accusatory reversal.

            210 months ago

            You might have mixed up something. Neither I or anybody on this direct thread said anything about terrorism or tankies. We didn’t even mention zelensky.

            Either you’re the crazy one or you have been called those this enough time as to lose track.

            BTW, it couldn’t be a pretty war if, you know, Russia didn’t start a war… small detail I know

            • WuTang
              210 months ago

              Neither I or anybody on this direct thread said anything about terrorism

              just ctrl+f “terrorist”

                310 months ago

                You are the first one on this come thread. Other threads sure talk about that. But not this one. So yeah… double down in your mistakes, the Putin’s way.

                • WuTang
                  210 months ago

                  take it. You just demonstrated your dishonesty here. There’s like at least, 10 occurences of this word in this thread.

              • Fushuan [he/him]
                210 months ago

                As a clarification, since searching the page will give you the wrong idea, direct thread is referring to this direct chain of comments, not the whole post.

    10 months ago

    So from having had a few exchanges with pro Russian accounts on Lemmy (which seems to be infested with a few very active ones) this is a summary of their arguments:

    • “Ukraine is Nazi”
    • “Well far right parties got a total of under 6% of the vote, and they elected a Jewish man president”
    • “yeah but Bandera and whatabout America”

    • “Ukraine killed ethnic Russians”
    • “A huge percentage of their population are ethnic Russians, including in government, and they are fine, and were until the Russian invasion. And now it’s Russia that has killed, maimed and raped more ethnic Russians, including civilians, than Ukraine every did or even could. Including their own people thorough incompetence and corruption”.
    • “Yeah but Bandera, and whatabout America”

    • “Ukraine is fighting because they are forced to by their colonial masters, the USA and NATO, and Ukrainians will keep dying so long as they keep being armed”
    • “Actually > 90% of the population wants to continue fighting for their country back, so what you’re basically saying is you think Ukrainians should be abandoned to Russian enslavement”
    • “Yeah but Bandera, and whatabout America”

    • “NATO and USA are colonialists and this is just more colonialism”
    • “Actually both Russia and China are actual, bone fide land empires, with ethnic minorities that are forced to live like colonized people - including doing the fighting for Russia while their families back home live in misery and squalor and Putin’s Mafia collect mansions, private jets and yachts”
    • “Yeah but Bandera, and whatabout America”
    10 months ago

    Very true. Russia (well, putin) has shown over and over that he can’t be trusted, he will stab you in the back and he will murder you.

    Hell, the entire land grab from Ukraine was going against accords made where Russia promised to allow Ukraine to exist as a sovereign nation and Russia would get all their nukes. Russia got the nukes and theb went on to invade and steal Crimea and then to just drop all pretence and invade the entire Ukraine.

    Just give some shitty transparent excuses, mumble something about non existent Nazis, and just steal lands.

    So no, you can’t make deals with Putin

    However, Ukraine is in a tight spot. They still rely on the west (and mostly United States)for the Weapons and gear they use on the war. Russia has the Republican party in their pocket and if the Republican party (or worse trump) wins the election, they’ll at the least stop all Help and likely hand the Ukraine to Russia on a silver platter.

    This means they basically gotta gain as much as possible before the US elections, which is why they’re grinding on so much without the proper air support they’ll start having at the end of the year. It sucks, but it’s the situation they’re in.

    It’s impressive though to see how much they advance without air support. Slava Ukraine!

      • queermunist she/her
        10 months ago

        I’m skeptical the government would allow him to do that.

        He’s not actually a god-king. If a leader ever became a threat to the power structure, he’d be eliminated. Just ask JFK 🙃

          1410 months ago

          I don’t think you can compare those situations. Putin has had everyone fall out the window that was a threat to his power. Or accidentally get himself stabbed with poison by a Russian agent. Or pour themselves poisoned tea definitely nobody else poisoned.

          • ME5SENGER_24
            1010 months ago

            In the west we say Putin, like he’s some sorta boogieman. In the US our politicians are essentially puppets with some corporation’s hand up their ass. Yes, Putin has been in power for years; that doesn’t mean he isn’t in power because he keeps the oligarch’s money flowing. The second the money flow comes into question, someone falls from a window.

            Now I’m not saying Putin isn’t the one ordering the hits - he could be and also potentially couldn’t be. What I am saying is that there are often multiple versions of the truth and/or layers to that truth.

            I think Zelenskyy is right, don’t make deals with the devil. But there’s a 100% certainty that this isn’t only “Putin’s War” and there are more players, potentially those with their hand deep in Putin’s ass, pulling his puppet-strings

          • queermunist she/her
            810 months ago

            You think Putin is the one personally pushing people out of windows?

            This is bigger than he is - he’s a figurehead of a power bloc within the government, he isn’t god.

              • queermunist she/her
                10 months ago

                Did Putin conquer Russia all by himself?

                The idea that he’s some kind of lonely tyrant and accountable to no-one really implies that he actually is a god, like he somehow managed to take over the largest country on Earth and rule it with an iron fist and there wasn’t anyone else that helped him get there or helps him stay there (and could help him “retire” if he ever became a problem)

              • Just ignore that obvious shill. The other day they were denying the importance of education to combat propaganda. It’s obvious where their loyalties lie.

          • queermunist she/her
            10 months ago

            Absolute rulers don’t actually exist. That’s fantasy stuff for kids books.

            Even under feudalism and in ancient empires the leader wasn’t actually like that, they could always go too far and be replaced (with lots of violence of course)

      • WuTang
        710 months ago

        yeah sure, he will surrender to a comedian who didn’t even go through compulsory military service. Hallo, this guy played piano with his dick on TV.

        what a shame, real people are dying and this zelensdick plays the victim in his castle.

          10 months ago

          Or you know, Russia could just have not attacked in the first place.

          Putin is the laughingstock of the world.

          1910 months ago

          aww are you scared of the big bad comedy man? perhaps you needn’t be if russia just skedaddled back whence they came from

          10 months ago

          Which is why he put in a military expert as commander in chief, even though he’s legally entitled to that position. Almost like he knows how to delegate like a leader

          1710 months ago

          this guy played piano with his dick on TV

          Maybe it’s probably not necessary to kickass the “world’s #2 strongest army” but knowing how to use your dick certainly doesn’t hurt obviously.

            1710 months ago

            I, for one, think it’s pretty fucking hilarious and incredible that the “world’s second best army” is getting curbstomped by a country led by a guy who played piano with his dick on TV.

              310 months ago

              You might need to check your sources about how the war is going… Russia hasn’t committed its full army to this war.

                510 months ago

                This doesn’t mean what you seem to think it means. It’s not the case that Russia is somehow holding back and has huge additional reserves and resources that it can throw at the conflict. The Russian military isn’t about to collapse or anything, but it’s not doing great either and has largely been exposed as far weaker than was previously supposed.

                  210 months ago

                  Yes I agree, particularly in the fact that the corruption and facade that was the Russian military reporting structure made it seem to Russian leadership that they were more powerful than they thought. This is the problem with having so many yes men surrounding an authoritarian leader.

                  However as we’re hitting the two year mark on the war soon, the Russian military has likely become more competent and less corrupt than before with the increased attention.

                310 months ago

                not that I don’t believe you, but do you have sources yourself? Lotta propaganda flying everywhere

                210 months ago

                Russia can’t commit its full army to the war, for quite a few reasons. One of which is that it’s “full army” has been decisively proven to be WAY more of a paper tiger than anybody would have guessed.

                The scale and duration of this war are orders of magnitude are far larger than anyone in Russia was planning for in January of 2022. They discovered that their battalions were rife with ghost soldiers so the officers could scoop up their pay. They discovered their modern tank stockpiles were not only unmaintained, but also often scavenged for parts to either repair other vehicles or simply sell on the black market. They discovered that, incredibly, their Air Force was unable to fully suppress a force that (on paper) was a mere fraction of their size and supposed capability.

                This is scratching the surface. This shit goes way deeper, and it involves their whole military industrial complex, as well as pretty much all seriously profitable ventures in Russia. If money is made at any serious scale, someone’s going to put together a scheme to take a cut of it. That’s how the country works. And it’s biting them in the ass right now.

                  210 months ago

                  Yup I agree. But much like the Ukrainians were able to mobilize, Russia is doing the same. The paper tiger isn’t all paper though, they really do have 5 times the population as Ukraine.

          1410 months ago

          Lmao cope harder, tankie. Russia went from the “second best army in the world” to the 3rd best army operating openly in the Ukraine AO. Russia has proven themselves to be a joke, militarily - they went from being considered a superpower to being a peer-power of Ukraine. That’s a fucking HUGE step down in geopolitical clout and military credibility.

          • WuTang
            210 months ago

            I don’t know what to think, are you sad there’s few dead toll on UA side. Russia especially proved they were not in clean-slate mode. Do you really think they wouldn’t use aviation if they wanted “more”, really?

            Between, UA is supplied by our governments (and certainly on the intel side too), so it is not just “UA” against RU, idiot!

          510 months ago

          So, you’re saying Putin can’t back down because he would look like a fool, but somehow people dying is fault of Zelenskyy for not being at the front, just like Putin?

      310 months ago

      A day earlier, Prigozhin published a video purportedly from Africa. Next day, he managed to get himself killed on a flight from Moscow. While being exiled.

      Not sure what the CIA believes, but it’s all sus AF.

    • teft
      9210 months ago

      With Russia packing up their shit and going back to the pre 2014 borders.

        10 months ago

        So it doesn’t end?

        Edit: barring NATO rolling in and starting WW3 that’s clearly not gonna happen. So what’s next?

          4010 months ago

          Why are you arguing for Ukraine to forgive and forget the rapes and murders and to give up parts off their country to the perpetrators rather than arguing for Russia to go back to Russia?

            1110 months ago

            Clearly Russia isn’t going to do that, no matter how much a bunch of nobodies argue for it online.

            Which actually realistic path leads to less dead people?

              10 months ago

              Negotiations don’t exist for Russia, they are known for breaking all agreements anyways. Russia is not trustworthy in the slightest, they have never missed to prove that. You don’t push the trigger on a loaded gun and hope for it to not fire. If you believe otherwise you desperately need to get out of you bubble and drink less Vodka.

              Russian people killing Putin is the only way to end this sooner.

                2610 months ago

                Putin-fanboys love to say “Ukraine needs to negotiate an end to this war” but like to forget that this war started because RuZZia shat on a treaty ensuring the sovereignty of Ukraine in exchange for their nuclear arms.

              • Hyperreality
                10 months ago

                It doesn’t matter that Russia’s word can’t be trusted.

                Push Russia back to the border so that their invasion isn’t rewarded, negotiate a ceasefire, then almost immediately make Ukraine a (defacto) NATO member, protect their airspace, no fly zone, arm them to the teeth.

                The Russians are far better at keeping their word, when they know that they are weak, and that it benefits them.

              910 months ago

              Clearly this bully isn’t going to stop trying to take your lunch money. If you continue trying to defend yourself it’s just going to lead to more fights and you getting hurt more. If you just give up your lunch money peacefully then it’ll be better for everybody!

                410 months ago

                You can’t just boil geopolitics down like that.

                The longer this goes the more people die. We can’t seem to stop Russia without plunging the world into more war…

                  910 months ago

                  The longer you keep fighting back, the more you will keep being hit. We can’t seem to stop the bully without you getting hurt more, so just be a good little boy and hand over your lunch money peacefully. And when the bully demands the contents of your backpack, hand that over to avoid more bloodshed. And when he demands your hat, hand that over too. You don’t want to keep getting hurt, do you?

          2310 months ago

          Then russia suffers until they learn (so probably forever).

          Ukraine has the will and the west has the means to make this a very painful lesson, maybe even Russians can learn this time.

            1010 months ago

            By every account Russia has the manpower to outlast Ukraine in this. I’m sure whoever is left in Ukraine once NATO is done teaching Russia this “lesson” will be so glad to have been a part of this.

            • mrnotoriousman
              3210 months ago

              If you lay off the Kremlin propaganda for a minute you’ll realize what a laughing stock they are to the real militaries in the world.

              2310 months ago

              By every account Russia has the manpower to outlast Ukraine in this.

              Wars don’t end because you kill everyone on the other side. The American revolutionaries didn’t murder every single English citizen on the face of the earth. Yet, they still won.

              The point is to last long enough and inflict enough losses that the other side does not want to continue the war. In Clausewitzian terms, even if you can’t win the Trial of Strength, you can still win the Battle of Wills.

              I’m sure whoever is left in Ukraine once NATO is done teaching Russia this “lesson” will be so glad to have been a part of this.

              Ukraine is an independent country that is completely capable of deciding for themselves whether, and at what cost, they want to keep fighting off a foreign invader occupying their territory. This is also part of the “Battle of Wills”.

              I’m not saying that NATO and its members don’t have an interest in the conflict, but the tell-tale sign that you’re regurgitating Russian propaganda is that in your arguments Ukraine has no agency.

              910 months ago

              You really been huffing that Russian propaganda, huh? It’ll turn your brain to mush, you should really stop.

          910 months ago

          So what’s next?

          who knows, but maybe some progress will be made when more modern weapons can be fired from western F16’s. It likely won’t have a huge impact, but every little bit helps

        • teft
          6810 months ago

          If someone invades your country and kills your countrymen you don’t negotiate with them. You tell them to get the fuck out or we’ll kill every one of you motherfuckers that decides to continue being on our land. Why? You going to advocate being like Chamberlain? Or Quisling? What do you suggest someone does if their country is invaded?

          • Hyperreality
            810 months ago

            Do you think Russia will unconditionally surrender and stop fighting when Ukraine reaches the Russian border?

              • Hyperreality
                10 months ago

                I don’t think Ukraine is about to conquer Russia or capture Moscow, even if they wanted to or if we want them to.

                Do you think Russia will unconditionally surrender and stop fighting when Ukraine reaches the Russian border?

                  2210 months ago

                  I have no idea. Even if they don’t, Ukraine just has to defend their territory, which they have proven more than capable of.

                  The only one party that can end this conflict is the aggressor.

                  1410 months ago

                  A safety buffer zone of a few kilometers, on the Russian side, past the Ukrainian country, sounds reasonable. Depending on how far they still keep shooting.

                • More likely there will simply be no peace and they’ll technically stay at war, with a huge minefield in between the two countries, until one of them runs out of money.

            710 months ago

            How do you show you’ve never heard of the war of the triple alliance or of Paraguay, without saying war of the triple alliance or Paraguay.

                110 months ago

                Sorry, I was on a long canoe trip without internet access.

                It is specific for a reason.

                It feels good to say that you will support a country that wishes to fight to its last inhabitants. It sounds good. It sounds macho. Very few people actually think about the actual consequences to a policy like that.

                But, we have a real life example, and it is horrible beyond description. Sometimes, if you can make people see the horror and blood of a macho pithy saying, maybe you can get them to see the actual cost of that macho pithy saying.

                Sometimes, sadly, giving up is the right thing to do.

                  110 months ago

                  Sometimes, sadly, giving up is the right thing to do.

                  I get it, but if you are just trying to make the point that, if a country thinks they’ll eventually lose, it’s better for everyone if they give up quickly … then this historical example doesn’t seem relevant.

                  Given that Ukraine already gave up quickly once (in Crimea) and that Russia simply waited until it was convenient to invade them again, I’m sure you can understand why Ukrainians think it’s necessary to fight this one out.

                  Now, the war of the Triple Alliance is often held up as an example of how a minority of belligerents can create massive devastation by continuing a guerilla war after losing the conventional war; if Ukraine seems in danger of losing the conventional war, I’ll admit it’s a relevant parallel, otherwise it isn’t terribly relevant.

              910 months ago

              They are, mate. You act like the West is standing behind Ukraine threatening to shoot anyone that retreats. We’re sending em guns and money, if they wanted to stop fighting they could make that decision tomorrow.

                310 months ago

                You haven’t seen the video of the Ukrainian lieutenant throwing a grenade into the trench of the Ukrainian soldiers who disobeyed an order to charge the front. Or the daylight kidnappings of Ukrainian citizens by the recruitment officers.

          • Hyperreality
            910 months ago

            The UK negotiated with the IRA.

            The US negotiated with the Japanese.

            The allies negotiated with the Nazis.

              1910 months ago

              I’m fine with the Japanese solution, which Russian cities should we delete?

              The German solution seems awfully similar.

              • Hyperreality
                610 months ago

                I’m fine with winning the lottery. That isn’t likely either.

                Ukraine doesn’t have nukes, so the Japanese solution is off the table.

                Ukraine isn’t about to conquer Moscow, so the German solution isn’t feasible either.

                  610 months ago

                  North Korea has nukes, you’re honestly telling me ukraine, the ones who figured it out in the soviet union, can’t figure it out too?

                  Ukraine is the smart remnant of the soviet union, Russia needs to surrender out of sheer terror.

                • wanderingmagus
                  210 months ago

                  No, but the US does. I, for one, as an SSBN sailor, am ready and willing to set condition 1SQ for Strategic nuclear launch at any time. Slava Ukraini, HOOYAH AMERICA. Kill the Bear!

                410 months ago

                I really don’t like how often I see people ok with the idea of nuclear war. I like Fallout as much as the next person but I don’t think it’s an accurate representation of nuclear apocalypse.

              610 months ago

              I’m pretty sure the negotiations consisted on total surrender and heavy controls of power in the three cases, which Zelenskyy agrees on. Just giving more territories to Russia is not what they want. That would only mean a new offensive in a few years.

              • Hyperreality
                10 months ago

                In other words, even Zelensky knows there’ll have to be negotiations somewhere down the line.

                It’s just a question of when and under which circumstances.

                It’s in Ukraine and Europe’s interests, that these negotiations occur when Russia has been pushed back to the border. Otherwise they’ll have been rewarded for their military adventurism.

                And obviously Russia can’t be trusted, so the moment a cease fire is signed, it’s imperative that Ukraine gets defacto NATO membership (or something approaching it) and is armed to the teeth.

                  410 months ago

                  They had been open to negotiations in the past, and surely are open now, but the first step is for Russia to get the fuck off Ukraine and stop the aggression. It’s not a negotiation of your have a knife to your neck.

              510 months ago

              The US negotiated with the Japanese.

              The allies negotiated with the Nazis.

              You know both these groups surrendered unconditionally, right?

              • Hyperreality
                10 months ago

                Yes. The terms were harsh, but ultimately both parties agreed to them. A negotiated settlement.

                Note also how the reality is slightly more nuanced. For example, Hirohito remained in power and all members of the Imperial House were spared criminal prosecution. That was an unfortunate but necessary compromise. If the world was fair, they’d have hanged them all, just like much of the Nazi establishment.

                This also why at one point Japanese officials, basing themselves on the Potsdam Declaration, argued to MacArthur that Japan’s surrender had in fact been contractual and conditional. Obviously he told them to go fuck themselves, and because the country was by now occupied, there wasn’t exactly much they could do about it.

                It’s unfortunate, but this is almost certainly what will happen with Russia. A ceasefire will be agreed under conditions both parties accept. The better Ukraine does, the worse the conditions will be that Russia is forced to accept. With a bit of luck, the conditions will be so bad that Putin falls out of a window and is replaced with someone slightly more sane.

                Once the ink is dry, the west will hopefully arm Ukraine to the gills, perhaps institute a no fly zone, give them NATO membership or something approaching it, etc. etc.

                But before that happens there will still need to agree to a ceasefire, hence all wars end with a negotiated settlement, unless you engage in genocide.

        • Veraticus
          1710 months ago

          Literally yes. If they capitulate it’s only a matter of time before Putin tries again, either by fomenting a revolution and installing another pro-Russia dictator, or restarting the war. This is a fight for the very survival of Ukraine.

            • Veraticus
              2110 months ago

              Putin is trying to kill both. Those human beings deserve to live and they deserve a country too – the country they are dying to defend.

                710 months ago

                I think them conscripts would rather do something other dying for their country. I know I would.

                Have you ever read Catch-22? Yossarian likes to go on about how everybody is trying to kill him. If you’re a Ukrainian soldier it’s not just Putin who’s out to kill you. It’s your own government too, and apparently the average western lib on this very internet forum.

                • Veraticus
                  1010 months ago

                  If you believe this why are you not advocating for the Russian conscripts who are forced to fight a madman’s war of aggression and territorial expansion? Like sympathizing for the Ukrainian troops forced to fight is fine but I think you fail to realize the alternative for them is to die at the hands of the Russian military.

                  Only one side here is engaged in a purely optional war of territorial expansion. And it isn’t “the west” or Ukraine.

                  910 months ago

                  Ukrainians would disagree; they’re the ones to want to fight and if their government tried to give up, they’d throw them out and find someone willing to keep going

          1410 months ago

          Either you give them land from which they can prepare their next attack or you show them that they’re unable to take and hold land. So yeah. Pretty much.

        • NoneOfUrBusiness
          410 months ago

          I mean at the current pace it’s just all or all, nothing doesn’t seem possible anymore unless something big happens.

      8010 months ago

      With Russia leaving. They started this war. Fuck off with your “If there isn’t going to be any peace discussions from Ukraine … how does this ever end?”

      Ukraine, and only Ukraine can be the one to talk about any negotiations. I’ll back their decisions whether it’s to fight to the bitter end, or stop and give up. Their people control their destiny. Russia on the other hand is the one that could simply bring an end to this by leaving. They could have brought peace in fact by simply never killing others. You’re victim blaming. Fuck off.

    • vrojak
      6710 months ago

      Why is it that country A starts occupying parts of country B, and some people start expecting country B to have peace discussions (ie, give land to country A)? There should be calls to country A to stop occupying country B’s land, and that’s it.

        4710 months ago

        That’s how they have decided to spin this: co-opt the language of peace and dialogue to justify aggression.

        Too bad it’s so obviously transparent.

            10 months ago

            Yup. Russia doesn’t understand diplomacy. Only force. It’s sad that russia acts this way, so, unfortunately, beating them is the only way to have lasting peace.

            That or leadership change but I don’t think putler fears anything more than losing power and the people are either weak or live in a propaganda bubble.

            3110 months ago

            Peace through Superior firepower.

            There can be no peace if one side wants to wipe your very existence out.

            • DaDragon
              410 months ago

              Well technically, considering historical precedent, anyone who feels they have more might than their neighbours has the right to do whatever they want to do to them. Historically, that was mostly conquest. Other’s use that might for what can generally be construed as the common good. (EG. Team America world police)

              Ultimately the one who decides what is right and wrong is the collective, and honestly, the world is much less unified in its opinion than it probably should be.

                1410 months ago

                Great, then let’s give ukraine f15es, fleets of predators and more, give them them much more might than their neighbor and let them solve this solution.

                I’m fine with ukraine demonstrating that might means right.

            210 months ago

            if only your heros had billions* in weapons to use lol

            • in USD, not rubles. Watching the red army collapse has been one of the few joys of the past few years
      4510 months ago

      Russia doesn’t need to ask permission to leave, they just leave.

      Seems like a lot fewer Russians and Ukrainians will die if the Russians left ukraine.

            110 months ago

            Because there is no faster way to turn off critical thinking then to self-enforce an echo-chamber?

            But whatever, you do you. I don’t actually give a shit if you block me. Like, holy fuck, “In a sentence, tell me why you deserve to be my friend.” God, I wish I had that sort of self-confidence. That may be why you want to live in an echo chamber, though.

      2610 months ago

      It ends the second russia withdraws its troops or they are beaten out of Ukraine.

      2410 months ago

      It takes two to make peace. And how can there’s be peace after the mass murder, torture and kidnapping of children, destruction and death wrought upon Ukraine.

      If Canada did that to the USA, how keen for peace would you be exactly?

      There can only be peace if there is justice.

          10 months ago

          The president is an ethnic Russian you lying piece of garbage.

          Russia has killed more ethnic Russians than Ukraine (or anyone else) ever has. Including 200k of it’s own soldiers. There is nobody in the world more russophobic than Russia.

          As for “Banderite Nazis” I wonder how much they got in the elections? You know, those things that Russia doesn’t have, unless “United Russia” wins. Every single action taken by Russia over the past decade is an exact reflection of Naziism.

          How can you be so completely and utterly brainwashed as to not see what’s right in front of your dumb face.

            410 months ago

            I mean the Nazis got into power because Victoria Nuland acted as kingmaker for them… this is all available on the internet from reputable sources. It just hasn’t hit your brainwashed mass media sources because you watch literal propaganda and are such a useful idiot that rather than think critically you regurgitste it on link sharing forums. Sad.

              10 months ago

              Yeah Nazis elected a Jewish man president. You truly do believe such bullshit.

              In the meantime the real Nazis were in an alliance with Russia until the Russians were betrayed.

        10 months ago

        Oh, so, war?

        Korea ended in peace. Vietnam ended in peace. Iraq ended in peace. Afghanistan ended in peace. Hell, even China-Taiwan ended in what, by any means, could be defined as peace.

        War and peace are intricately tied together and compromises are often made to save lives. Did the KMT never trade with the CCP again after literally getting booted out of their own country? Did China never trade with Japan again despite millions of people dead, raped, and experimented on?

      1010 months ago

      Good question, every war ends in some kind of negotiation, even for surrender. I think when Russia loses, Putin is unlikely to keep power, and some sort of agreement will happen without him.

      910 months ago

      Hey… stop making sense! All the bots and teenagers here think you’re stupid!

      Peace? Are you crazy??? You keep that kinda smart talk to yourself! We don’t use the P word here! Here we just want to be angry all the time and blame some imaginary enemy for all our problems.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    1110 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    As Ukraine’s counteroffensive moves into a fourth month, with only modest gains to show so far, Zelensky told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria he rejected suggestions it was time to negotiate peace with the Kremlin.

    The Wagner leader’s dramatic death, which followed a short-lived rebellion that threatened the authority of the Russian president, was a warning to be heeded, Zelensky suggested.

    While the United States and other key Ukrainian allies continue to supply weapons to Kyiv, and stress that conditions to pursue a “just and durable” peace are not yet in place, a handful of world leaders, such as Brazil’s Lula Da Silva, have put the onus on Ukraine to end the war.

    As evidence for his position, Zelensky cited other countries which have been attacked by Russian soldiers and continue to be partially occupied by them.

    Ukraine has made incremental gains in the south amid fierce fighting with Russian troops, accounts from the front lines suggest.

    Geolocated videos on Friday showed a wasteland of shell holes, abandoned trenches and wrecked military hardware in the area between Robotyne, Verbove and Novoprokopivka — a triangle of villages that hold the key for Ukrainians to getting closer to Tokmak, an important hub for Russian defenses.

    The original article contains 282 words, the summary contains 201 words. Saved 29%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • WuTang
    10 months ago

    Using terrorist to talk about russian’s state army, well identified, sounds fishy to me.

    looking for a EU only fediverse instance. I’m fed up of us trolls.

    10 months ago

    Zelensky has forgotten to mention Mink and Mink2 agreement that he and EU have broken, thus lying to Russia, and even admitted it.