Joe Biden and Xi Jinping, leaders of two biggest carbon emitters, among those not attending summit in New York.

The climate ambition summit, convened by António Guterres, the UN’s secretary general, will feature more than 100 national governments who have traveled to New York to outline renewed plans to curb global heating and help people adapt to its impacts. The UN has said the event will “showcase first movers and doers” among countries most willing to act on the climate crisis.

But the summit has failed to attract the leaders of the two biggest carbon emitters, with neither Joe Biden, the US president, nor Xi Jinping, president of China, attending. Rishi Sunak, the British prime minister, and Emmanuel Macron, the French president, are also missing the gathering.

    • no banana
      2110 months ago

      Right. The UN is a table where nations can sit and talk to eachother and that is pretty much what it’s intended for.

      • Hyperreality
        10 months ago

        The UN is sometimes at its most useful when the representatives countries which are in (open) conflict, ‘accidentally’ happen to find themselves in the same bathroom and can have an off the record chat, without either side having being forced to accept official talks.

        The rest of the show is sometimes nothing more an excuse to get those people together in the same (bath)room.

        • no banana
          710 months ago

          Yep. It’s good because it makes conversation happen which otherwise would not.

    • @agent_flounder
      110 months ago

      Well, certainly not against the veto members.