Highlights include Sliding Sync (instant login/launch/sync), Native OIDC (industry-standard authentication), Native Group VoIP (end-to-end encrypted large-scale voice & video conferencing) and Faster Joins (lazy-loading room state when your server joins a room).

  • @Byter
    229 months ago

    Featureset-wise it falls somewhere between IRC and Discord.

    • λλλ
      89 months ago

      2.0 seems to be closing the gap towards Discord more. Which I like.

    • @pezhore@lemmy.ml
      19 months ago

      Does there tend to be logical groups for Matrix channels/servers? (Meaning you don’t really just join Matrix, you go to a Matrix instance for Jerjoba support, or other common interest like Hockey?)

      • Derin
        49 months ago

        There do tend to be in logical groups, e.g. you’ll see all of Mozilla’s stuff in their server - but there are quite a few general purpose servers.

      • @Byter
        29 months ago

        I’m not the best person to ask as I just chat on a few channels in a single server.

        There definitely are software projects that run their real-time support through Matrix in the same way others do it through IRC or Discord.

        At the same time most servers seem to have a General room (or similar) for off-topic chats.

        Peruse the big list of public rooms here. That might give you a sense of it.