This question’s on my mind because my coworker today mentioned they would vote for Trump if they could (mind you this is 2023, in Canada). I don’t generally have the talking points or the desire to fight about it, so I just deflected the conversation. But I often wish I was more strong-willed and could try to figure out why someone believes what they do and, if it’s invalid, then convince them otherwise.

Thus, I’m curious what you all would say or what you’ve done in the past!

  • NotAPenguin
    310 months ago

    No one ever changed their mind from an argument.

    That you think this is true says more about you than people in general.

    • @Zangoose
      310 months ago

      Unfortunately depending on the level of extremism they have a point. When you can’t even agree on what’s reality and what isn’t, it’s pretty hard to change someone’s mind.

      I originally heard this quote about using the Internet but the general sentiment applies to any extremist politics as well.

      Generally, people don’t log onto internet platforms to be proven wrong

      Extremists don’t talk about politics to change their viewpoints, they do it to rant and convince others (IMO)

      (At least this is often the case for US extremism, not sure about elsewhere)