This question’s on my mind because my coworker today mentioned they would vote for Trump if they could (mind you this is 2023, in Canada). I don’t generally have the talking points or the desire to fight about it, so I just deflected the conversation. But I often wish I was more strong-willed and could try to figure out why someone believes what they do and, if it’s invalid, then convince them otherwise.

Thus, I’m curious what you all would say or what you’ve done in the past!

  • discusseded
    201 year ago

    My sister is a sweetheart who loves animals, nature, people, and has given so much of her time and money to take care of our mother.

    She voted Trump and it seems like she would do it again. Why?

    She’s a fundamentalist evangelical Christian. You have to understand the Christian slant if you’re setting out to understand Trump voters. It’s not the only lens to see the MAGA phenomenon through, but it’s a big one.

    Why are those two tied together so tightly, even though it’s glaringly obvious that Trump isn’t a Christian himself and doesn’t espouse their values? He gave them all the things they wanted. And he’ll keep doing it.

    You’ll find plenty of other people backing Trump as well, and many will be total assholes and pond scum. The liberal tears crowd, the trolls. Probably the ones many commenting here are talking about. But I suspect these types are only the vocal minority and it’s people like my sister who are a much more silent majority. They are beloved people in their communities, they are not the monsters you would make them out to be. It takes an open mind to understand their position. Make sure you’re ready to explore and understand without judgement, or else you might as well just write them off and find something more productive to use your time with.

      1 year ago

      People’s whose politics are fueled by hatred of others having rights are not good people, they just wear their good deeds as a “good people” costume.

      We’ve listened, and yes they are monsters. Their entire purpose is to take away from others. That’s not good people.

      161 year ago

      they are not the monsters you would make them out to be

      Ah, so a different variety of monster then, gotcha

      • TheOlympian
        151 year ago

        Exactly. Kind in the micro, monsters in the macro. If you’re trying to raise money for the needy through the church but don’t want the government to help them at scale you really just want glory for your god and safety just for your community over other communities. Helping people is just an accident in pursuit of those causes.

          11 year ago

          What? Even if you engaged in charity solely to “glorify God”, why would welfare prevent you from doing that? Do you think welfare programs steal glory from God? Do you think that religious people think this way? (Outside of the literally mentally ill, no they don’t. They view charity as a moral obligation, not the only mechanism by which to “glorify God”. Just like any normal effective altruist).

          “Just for your community over other communities”- Again, what? Improving the conditions of your community isn’t harming other communities. People in other communities also have a responsibility to improve their community, and there is nothing preventing one community from helping another.

          “Helping people is just an accident in pursuit of those causes”-If it was just an accident, then surely it would be avoided? Let’s not forget that these causes are “glorifying God”, and either harming or ignoring other communities.

          It’s okay to criticise trying to apply individualistic practices on a systemic scale, but you’re just fabricating nonsense to try to justify how you already decided to feel.

      101 year ago

      I’m sure your sister is a lovely person but how blind can she be after all that has happened? Is she voting for Trump or is she just brainlessly voting republican? And in either case, why? Where’s her culpablity?

      • discusseded
        01 year ago

        Then you don’t know people well and I dare say you should put down the phone and try harder.

        This low effort dunk just makes you look ignorant.