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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Throw_sis on 2023-09-24 10:30:24.

The people relevant to the story are me (26M), my wife Anne (26F) and my younger sister Jenny (18F).

I met Anne in middle school, when she moved to my hometown, and we immediately became best friends. The two of us dated, went to the same college, and last year, we got married. We were totally in love, and I never thought that there would be anything that would make me feel otherwise. I am very lucky to make £200,000 a year at this age, and only work around 30 hours a week, work from home. My wife makes is a teacher.

I was always very close with my sister, and my wife was too. Once we moved from my hometown to Birmingham, my wife and sister called almost every single day. My sister turned 18 last December, and had actually gotten a scholarship, so we were all excited. She aced her A levels, and graduated top of her class. She had been having pain in her limbs for some time, and then she was diagnosed with Stage 2 Leukemia some days after graduation. It was devastated for her. I hated that I couldn’t be there.

A month ago, I answered my door to find her at my door, having travelled all the way up here on her own. Turns out, my absolutely garbage parents threw her out of their home, telling her (and I cannot believe this), that she was “too useless now” and their obligations ended when she turned 18.

I basically took care of her myself. Her health deteriorated very quickly in the span of a month. I of course tried to be there for her as much as I could, doing things like stroking her hair (which I always used to do when she was little).

The day before yesterday, at night, my sister was crying a lot, and told me that she was very scared that she was going to die. When I was going to go back to my bed, she begged me not to go, and that she was scared. I slept that night in the bed with her. Of course, it wasn’t anything like sleeping with my wife- I was just there, not cuddling (which might be inappropriate.)

Yesterday, my wife sat me down and told me that she was “fed up” of me showing affection to my sister, and she said it was inappropriate. I asked her what her issues were, and agreed on me sleeping in the same bed being perhaps inappropriate. But then, she told me her boundaries- no holding hands, no stroking her hair, no kissing her forehead, and no telling her I loved her. I was of course asked her if she was mental. Then, she told me “if you want to keep committing incest, please marry her and let me go.” I told her that I needed some time, so I didn’t say anything I would regret. She didn’t let me leave though, and told me to say that if I loved her, I would kick out my sister. I screamed at her “I don’t love you anymore. I’ll never love you again.” She left, and now everyone is messaging me that she went to friends, and everyone hates her now. My wife did message me to tell me I am “the worst”. I took my sister to the hospital just an hour later because she had a fever of 41 degrees, and she hasn’t woken up yet. AITA for what I said?

  • CarrierLost
    1 year ago

    Because they’re fabricated stories engineered to get a reaction on Reddit.

    I’ve become so cynical and suspicious of the content from there, my immediate reaction is that this is entirely fake.