• Perfect examples of why OSX is an Unix-like just like GNU/Linux. It’s got a shared history with the original Unix, but isn’t literally Unix. This community is around Unix-likes, and under the Unix-like banner, I’d gladly welcome ReactOS. WSL isn’t in the spirit of it though.

    OSX has been on a number of occasions actively hostile towards FLOSS as well (particularly anything GPL), which in the last decades, have become synonymous with Unix-likes, though that’s a matter of personal taste. What isn’t a matter of taste however, is that OSX uses the XNU kernel, which is an acronym for X is Not Unix. It is not a monolithic Unix style kernel either. I would argue that OSX is only loosely Unix-like, and only mimics Unix functions for compatibility. Should Apple have the inclination, they would happily abandon it for something invented by them given the opportunity.

    Not picking a fight with you over semantics, I just loathe Apple as a business and Microsoft gets a lot of flack for their old “Embrace Extend Extinguish” policies when Apple has been exceptionally hostile towards OSS. Apple so often gets a pass when being considered a part of Unix communities yet they absolutely do not embrace the spirit of Unix-likes and FLOSS at all.